
Monday, June 25, 2007

Hunters guide

To start Hunters are a class that takes skill to play. You can’t just make a hunter one day and say you are a hunter. So Im writing this guide to help new hunters understand how we need to play our hunters and how to get that undefeated every one wants! =}

To start hunters are squishy. We can’t just run in and grab all the aggro you can like champs and guardians. We have to pull targets without drawing arggo from other mobs that are close.
Note: These are my own personal opinions, I am not saying that my way is the best and only way. Only that this is the way me and my friends play our hunters and it works.

So let’s start with basic pulling when soloing.

First you need to find the mob you want to kill, then you need to look around see what other mobs are around how close they are, are they aggressive, what lvl are they and if you think that you will pull them to when you fire at the other one. It will take practice before you can know if you will pull more then one when you open fire. I can’t remember how many times I died between lvl 7 and 10 just trying to figure out the arggo distance of other mobs around me. Now hopefully you won’t die the ten times I did to figure this out.
Now how do I not die tons of times before I figure this out you ask?
Start by scouting the area, the extra time this takes in the beginning is worth it. Plan how you are going to kill your opponent, what specials you are going to use in what order. You also need to plan what you are going to do if you pull more then one.
This is where traps come into play. At lvl seven you can buy the skill trap. This can determent whether you live or die in a lot of battles, when your enemy walks through the trap it will get caught allowing you to focus all your firer power on the mob that didn’t get caught. What ever you do never shoot the one in the trap if you have two or mobs on you.
An example of how traps help so much is I once took on two lvl 15 elites at lvl 17 and killed both of them because one got caught in my trap allowing me to kill the other with out taking to much damage.
At higher lvls when you have the hang of all this you won’t have to do things like scout around or plan what specials you will use in what order, by lvl 15-20 you should have a routine down that you use every time.


Fellowships are something that hunters are deadly in the only problem is that to many hunters play a fellow like their soloing.

1.If a mob gets caught in your trap when he gets out all the aggro will be on you.
2.Don’t stand to far away from the group; if you get aggro they can’t help you.
3.When you do get aggro don’t run around yelling, “Get this off me!” No one can grab the aggro if it’s running around. Stand where you are; say help or something to let the guard know that you have aggro.
4. Never use rain of arrows until the guard or champ has all the aggro; if you use it before, it will draw aggro.
5.Don’t shoot mezzed mobs. It draws the arggo on you then when the min has to heal you he draws the aggro.
6.Watch the min. If he draws too much aggro, shoot down the one with low health and auto hit the ones that the guard has been able to draw.
7. My friends have found that xbows draw too much aggro and bows, since they hit less but faster, draw less aggro. I'm not saying that you shouldn't use xbows. Its just my personal opinion.


Heres a list of wicked duos for hunters

Hunter, Hunter
This duo is awesome because your targets die 9/10 times before they reach you.

Hunter, Minstrel
Works great you can take one mobs without worry of dying. Iv takin on small fellow quest with just my min friend and did them no swet and they were one or two lvls high then me.

Hunter, Lore Master
One of my favorite ones the LM mezz the mob while you shoot down the other his pet holds the arggo of the third one.

I hope this guide will help you in your quest to become a master hunter.
post by Caelemar@http://forums.lotro.com

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