Crafted Bows
Disclaimer: This is not a complete guide to every bow craftable but a list of crafted bows that I feel are worth using to a hunter. In my opinion uncommon bows are not worth the effort compared to what you can get from quests.
• Apprentice
Level 7
Hardened Rowan Bow
Stats: 5.6 dps, 10-15 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, 0.5 Induction
Materials: 8 Treated Rowan
Trophy: Dirty Hendroval Talon, Drops off Hendrovals in Ered Luin.
• Journeyman
Level 10
Hardened Ash Bow
Stats: 7.3 dps, 14-21 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, 0.5 Induction
Materials: 8 Treated Ash
Trophy: Blackened Hourn Heartwood, Drops off the Hourns in the Old Forest.
Level 16
Strong Ash Bow
Stats: 10.6 dps, 21-30 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Slightly reduces threat
Materials: 10 Treated Ash
Trophy: Dusky Hourn Heartwood, Drops off the Hourns in the southern barrow downs.
Smooth Ash Bow One use recipe
Stats: 10.6 dps, 21-30 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, 1.0 Induction
Materials: 12 Treated Ash
Trophy: Wildthorn’s Bark, Drops off Wildthorn in Forlorn Glade in the Old Forest, 34.2S 57.6W.
Polished Ash Bow One use recipe critical success
Stats: 10.6 dps, 21-30 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, 1.0 Induction, Additional 2 damage to Orc-kind.
Materials: 12 Treated Ash
Trophy: Wildthorn’s Bark, Drops off Wildthorn in Forlorn Glade in the Old Forest, 34.2S 57.6W.
• Expert
Level 21
Stout Yew Bow
Stats: 13.5 dps, 27-38 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Slightly reduces threat
Materials: 6 Treated Yew
Trophy: Flawed Hourn Heartwood, Drops off the Hourns in the Agamuar swamp.
Hardened Yew Bow
Stats: 13.5 dps, 27-41 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, 1.3% Induction
Materials: 8 Treated Yew
Trophy: Flawed Hourn Heartwood, Drops off the Hourns in the Agamuar swamp.
Level 27
Runed Yew Bow
Stats: 16.8 dps, 33-47 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Slightly reduces threat
Materials: 9 Treated Yew, 1 High Grade Steel Ingot
Trophy: Scarred Hourn Heartwood, Drops off of Gloomleaf in a glade in the north west corner of Agamuar.
Carved Yew Bow One use recipe
Stats: 16.8 dps, 33-47 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Slightly reduces threat
Materials: 11 Treated Yew, 1 High Grade Steel Ingot
Trophy: Darkheart’s Black Heart, Drops off Darheart in the northern center of the Agamuar swamp.
Ornate Yew Bow One use recipe critical success
Stats: 16.8 dps, 33-47 Ancient Dwarf-make, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Slightly reduces threat
Materials: 11 Treated Yew, 1 High Grade Steel Ingot
Trophy: Darkheart’s Black Heart, Drops off Darheart in the northern center of the Agamuar swamp.
• Artisan
Level 31
Fine Lebethron Bow
Stats: 19.1 dps, 38-54 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Weaken
Materials: 7 Treated Lebethron
Trophy: Very Sharp Bear Claw, Drops off bears in the trollshaws east of the Bruein Gorges.
Polished Lebethron Bow
Stats: 19.1 dps, 38-54 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, 3% Indution
Materials: 7 Treated Lebethron
Trophy: Very Sharp Bear Claw, Drops off bears in the trollshaws east of the Bruein Gorges.
Level 35
Fortified Lebethron Bow
Stats: 21.3 dps, 42-60 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Weaken
Materials: 10 Treated Lebethron, 1 Dwarf Iron Ingot
Trophy: Extremely Sharp Cave Claw Talon, Drops off cave claws near the earth-kin camp.
Carved Lebethron Bow One use recipe
Stats: 21.3 dps, 42-60 Beleriand-make damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Demoralize, Reduces threat
Materials: 11 Treated Lebethron, 1 Dwarf Iron Ingot
Trophy: Karnasht’s Tooth, Drops off Karnasht who spawns in the second "cave" in the wolf den of the Troll Shaws.
Ornate Lebethron Bow One use recipe critical success
Stats: 21.3 dps, 42-60 Beleriand-make damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Demoralize, Reduces threat
Materials: 11 Treated Lebethron, 1 Dwarf Iron Ingot
Trophy: Karnasht’s Tooth, Drops off Karnasht who spawns in the second "cave" in the wolf den of the Troll Shaws.
• Master
Level 42
Exquisite Black Ash Bow
Stats: 25.2 dps, 50-71 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Demoralize
Materials: 10 Treated Black Ash
Trophy: Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw, Drops off turtles in the Malenhad Swamp.
Polished Black Ash Bow
Stats: 25.2 dps, 50-71 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, 3% Ranged Vulnerability, Reduces threat during combat
Materials: 12 Treated Black Ash, 1 Ancient Iron Ingot
Trophy: Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw, Drops off turtles in the Malenhad Swamp.
Level 47
Fortified Black Ash Bow
Stats: 29.6 dps, 58-84 fire damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Demoralize
Materials: 13 Treated Black Ash, 1 Ancient Iron Ingot
Trophy: Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw, Drops off turtles in the Malenhad Swamp.
Carved Black Ash Bow One use recipe
Stats: 28 dps, 55-79 light, 3% Ranged Vulnerability, Reduces threat, 9 common every 5 seconds
Materials: 15 Treated Black Ash, 1 Ancient Iron Ingot
Trophy: Hoartusk’s Horn, Drops off Hoartusk a master elite mammoth who wanders the giant halls of the Misty Mountains.
Ornate Black Ash Bow One use recipe critical success
Stats: 29.6 dps, 54-77 light, 3% Ranged Vulnerability, Reduces threat, 12 common every 5 seconds
Materials: 15 Treated Black Ash, 1 Ancient Iron Ingot
Trophy: Hoartusk’s Horn, Drops off Hoartusk a master elite mammoth who wanders the giant halls of the Misty Mountains.
Quest Bow List
• Ered Luin
Level 4: A Deadly Bloom
Erynwen’s Bow
Stats: 3.1 dps, 6-9 common
Level 7: Goblins in the South
Hunter of the Blue Craig's Bow
Stats: 4.4 dps, 9-12 common
Level 12: The Plundered Port
Skirmisher of Kheledul
Stats: 7.4 dps, 15-21 common
• Shire
Level 9: Lucky Sling-Stone
Lucky Short Bow
Stats: 5.2 dps, 10-15 common
Level 10: Bandages for Callum
Callum's Bow
Stats: 6.5 dps, 10-15 common damage, Subtract 22 from armour value
• Bree-land
Level 5: Old Bloodtusk
Short Stick Bow
Stats: 3.1 dps, 6-9 common
Level 9: Blackwold Thieves
Blackwold Bow
Stats: 6.5 dps, 13-18 common, 1 additional damage to giant kind
Level 14: Thornely’s Farm
Thornely’s Bow
Stats: 8.5 dps, 17-24 common, Slight threat reduction
Level 16: Shadow of the White Hand
Saeradain's Bow
Stats: 8 dps, 16-23 common, .8% Induction
Level 22: Purging the Dead
Chief Watcher’s Bow
Stats: 12.5 dps, 25-35 common, Slight threat reduction
• Lone Lands
Level 16: Orc-Threats
Candatith’s Spare Bow
Stats: 10 dps, 20-28 common, Slight threat reduction
Level 25: Pursued by the Past
Kekkonen's Bow
Stats: 13.9 dps, 28-39 common
Level 34: Ivar the Blood Hand
Saeradan's Bow
Stats: 20.7 dps, 41-59 common, 3.5% Induction
• North Downs
Level 26: Orc Excursions
Stats: 13.9 dps, 28-39 common, 8 common damage every 5 seconds
Level 30: Food and Shelter
Malennor’s Bow
Stats: 16.4 dps, 32-46 common, Threat reduction
Level 33: Orcs of the Blood Mountain
Arohir's Crossbow
Stats: 17.4 dps, -5% block from auto attacks, Slight threat reduction
Level 34: Siegecraft
Hithlim’s Bow
Stats: 17.9 dps, 32-46 Berleriand-make, 1.8% Induction
• Troll Shaws
Level 34: The True Thieves
Stats: 17.9 dps, 38-55 common, 4 additional damage to Ancient Evil, Threat reduction, Demoralize
• Book IV
Level 42: Chapter 8: The Unmarked Trail
Stats: 25.2, 50-71 common, 4% Induction, 13 common damage every 5 seconds
• Angmar
Level 42: Strength of Stone
Spoke Shooter
Stats: 20.9 dps, 41-59 Ancient, Subtracts 86 from armour value
Level 43: The Worm Turns
Worm hunter’s bow
Stats: 24.1 dps, 48-68 common, Threat reduction, 5 additional damage to dragon-kind
Level 44: Hidden Hoard
Bow of Malenhad
Stats: 22.4 dps, 44-65 common, 4% induction, Subtracts 184 from armour value
Level 48: Banishing the Darkness
Egill’s Ironwork Bow Crossbow
Stats: 26.9 dps, 63-99 Ancient, Reduces threat, Subtracts 99 from armour value
Level 48: Master of the Arena
Stats: 24.4 dps, 48-69 common, Slightly reduces threat, Additional 5 damage to Man, Demoralize
Level 50: Queen of the Host
Lunathron’s Bow
Stats: 28.6 dps, 52-74 Westernesse-make, 1.3% Induction, Slightly reduces threat, Demoralize
Level 50: The Champion of Minas Angos
Victory at Minas Angos Crossbow
Stats: 28.6 dps, 71-112 Westernesse-make, Slightly reduces threat, Slightly reduces threat, Weaken
Level 50: Ending Terror
Donaith’s Bow
Stats: 29.1 dps, 58-82 Beleriand-make, Reduces threat, 2.5% Induction
• Hunter
Level 30: A Hunter's Charge
Stats: 18.5 dps, 37-52 Westerness-make
Level 50: Implements of the Hunt
Bow of the Hunt
Stats: 28.4 dps, 56-80 Westerness-make, 4.5% Induction, Slightly reduces threat, 13 common damage every 5 seconds
Notable Dropped Bow List
Level 14: Bow of the Eagle
Stats: 9.5 dps, 17-25 Light, 1.4% Induction
Location: Random Bree-land humanoids
Level 32: Ferchu
Stats: 19.6 dps, 39-55 Beleriand-make, Demoralize
Location: Garth Agarwen, either of the wight twins
Level 35: Bow of the Barrow-Downs
Stats: 21.3 dps, 42-60 Fire, Reduces Threat
Location: Random level 35 humoniod world drop.
Level 40: Thunderhead
Stats: 25.4 dps, 46-66 Ancient Dwarf-make, 4% Induction, Weaken
Location: Fornost, final nemesis
Level 50: Blackstock Crossbow
Stats: 29.7 dps, 69-109 common, Additional 8 Damage to Man, -5% Block chance from Auto-Attacks
Location: Random East Angmar humoniod drop.
Level 50: Flightsong
Stats: 29.7 dps, 59-84 Beleriand-make, 14 fate, Subtracts 80 from Armour Value
Location: Urugarth, first elite master goblin
• Notes
Demoralize: Opponents morale is drained and returned to you some of the time.
Weaken: Opponents power is drained and returned to you some of the time.
Induction: The amount of time it takes to use certain bow skills, Swift bow and Barbed arrow are a good example.
Threat: Aggro goes to the party member with the highest threat.
Ranged Vulnerability: Enemies are more susceptible to your attacks.
One Use recipe: The recipe can only be used once and requires a trophy from a specific rare mob, it can be made without mastery of the tier, the critical success version of it usually changes the damage type but the only way to improve chance of a critical success is through tools and scrolls.
post by Aravorn@
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