
Friday, June 22, 2007

guide to war in the Ettenmoors

1- Monster classes, roles and abilities

Blackarrow (Uruk) : ranged dps

Reaver (orc) : high melee dps

Stalker (warg) : scout/melee dps

Weaver (spider) : CC

Warleader (Uruk) : healer

2- Ranking

Below are the ranks with the title and the required amount of infamy points to reach them.

Rank 0 (no title) : 0
Rank 1 (Tracker) : 500
Rank 2 (Scout) : 1500
Rank 3 (Skirmisher) : 3500
Rank 4 (Fighter) : 7500
Rank 5 (Soldier) : 19500

No need to go further at the moment with actual implementation.

3- Strategies for taking the holdings


Tol Ascarnen


Isendeep Mine

Tirith Rhaw

4- General battle strategies

PvMP priority for targets

1: Minstrel, Loremaster
2: Champion, Hunter, Captain
3: Burglar, Guardian

Open to discussion, love to hear anyones input. But my reasoning for these would be...

Minstrel- The healer, 'nuff said
Loremaster- Crowd control masters. Doesn't matter how many creeps you have if they're all rooted and stunned.

Champion- Do a lot of damage, but can go down.
Hunter- Soft target, scare them enough to DF and there's one less Freep to worry about.
Captain-Not hard to take down to low health, but Last Stand saves their life more than I care to count.

Burglar-High evade, soo hard to hit and get anything to stick. Soft target as well but harder to take down than the hunter.
Guardian-Tough nut to crack, but rank 1 reaver getting his sundering blow on them makes it much easier to take down. Still more effort to take down than the 2: targets.

Troops movement and positioning
Wanted to add two small things, use things like trees, rocks or below line of sight..ie: below the incline of a hill for cover.

Class tactics

  • Blackarrow
  • Reaver
  • Stalker
  • Weaver

    Spideys ..two little tricks..

    One: Loremaster draining your power. Do a burrow. It stops it.

    Two: Loremaster root, you can still burrow. BURROW! Because more often than not, you will be target practice for the hunters..ALL of them.

    Other thing, if you burrow the root will come off before your minute timer on the burrow is up.
  • Warhealer

Raid commands and options


/raidshout :

The raid leader can send a message all raiders can see on screen to get attention and give important directions.

/readycheck :

This command allow to verify if everyone is available and not AFK before attempting a boss or starting a charge against freeps.


Target marking :

Allow a raid leader to right-click on any ennemy target (including freeps) to put a cute lucky charm symbol above their head for easy targeting. The target with the symbol is usually the main assist target (target to be killed first).

Usage : right-click on target --> raid --> marking --> choose one here

To be developped...
- Dealing with guards
- Assisting
- Mob kiting

5- PvM glossary

Burrow: Spiders can burrow in under the ground, burrow can be a reference to both the long term and the short term burrow.

CC : crowd control (stun, daze, mesmerized, rooted)

Creeps : the monster players

Delayed poison/latent poison: A spider ability that subracts 483 power from the target, then after 15 seconds causes a 10s stun. Generally people call this out because a 2-5s stun will cause the 10s stun to be ignored due to an immunity flag. Do not stun a target with latent poison The animation is a green skull in front of the target.

DF: Desperate Flight

DG : Darg-Gazag

DP : destiny points (monster experience points)

EC - Elf camp to the south of TA

Freeps : free people, the non-monster player characters

G/G - Goldhead/Golloval quest run

Grams : Gramsfoot (monster starting homebase)

GV - The freeps' starting point located in the South-East part of the map

HH - Hoarhallow (town of Hobbits in the South part of the map, on an island in the river)

HIPS : Hide in Plain Sight, a skill that lets burglars go into stealth mode even while in combat.

Isen : Isendeep Mine

LC : Lumber camp which is Grimwood.

LiW: Lie In Wait. A long term spider burrow. 10s induction, 3s dance. up to 15m underground. 30s cooldown. Can not be used in combat.
Snarking web(ensnaring web?): The spider root, spiders do not have a true snare . Just call it root and save everyone time

Lug : Lugazag

Ost--Ost Ringdyr, the permanently Freep-controlled camp in the east

S.bridge - The southern bridge of TA

Stairs : Freeps starting homebase in south Coldfells (Glan Vraig).

Steps: another term for GV, "back away from the steps, don't camp the freeps at the steps".

TA : Tol Ascarnen

TR : Tirith Rhaw

EC - Elf camp to the south of TA
S.bridge - The southern bridge of TA
G/G - Goldhead/Golloval quest run
HH - Hoarhallow (town of Hobbits in the South part of the map, on an island in the river)
GV - The freeps' starting point located in the South-East part of the map

Beware loremasters,their crowd control abilities such as root can make a raid into a disaster.

  • Steps: another term for GV, "back away from the steps, don't camp the freeps at the steps".
  • Delayed poison/latent poison: A spider ability that subracts 483 power from the target, then after 15 seconds causes a 10s stun. Generally people call this out because a 2-5s stun will cause the 10s stun to be ignored due to an immunity flag. Do not stun a target with latent poison The animation is a green skull in front of the target.
  • Burrow: Spiders can burrow in under the ground, burrow can be a reference to both the long term and the short term burrow.
  • LiW: Lie In Wait. A long term spider burrow. 10s induction, 3s dance. up to 15m underground. 30s cooldown. Can not be used in combat.
  • Snarking web(ensnaring web?): The spider root, spiders do not have a true snare . Just call it root and save everyone time
Ost--Ost Ringdyr, the permanently Freep-controlled camp in the east.

PvMP priority targets

1: Minstrel, Loremaster
2: Champion, Hunter, Captain
3: Burglar, Guardian

Open to discussion, love to hear anyones input. But my reasoning for these would be...

Minstrel- The healer, 'nuff said
Loremaster- Crowd control masters. Doesn't matter how many creeps you have if they're all rooted and stunned.

Champion- Do a lot of damage, but can go down.
Hunter- Soft target, scare them enough to DF (add "DF: Desperate Flight" to glossary) and there's one less Freep to worry about.
Captain-Not hard to take down to low health, but Last Stand saves their life more than I care to count.

Burglar-High evade, soo hard to hit and get anything to stick. Soft target as well but harder to take down than the hunter.
Guardian-Tough nut to crack, but rank 1 reaver getting his sundering blow on them makes it much easier to take down. Still more effort to take down than the 2: targets.

Wanted to add two small things, use things like trees, rocks or below line of sight..ie: below the incline of a hill for cover.


Spideys ..two little tricks..One: Loremaster draining your power. Do a burrow. It stops it.

Two: Loremaster root, you can still burrow. BURROW! Because more often than not, you will be target practice for the hunters..ALL of them.

Other thing, if you burrow the root will come off before your minute timer on the burrow is up.
post by http://forums.lotro.com

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