Summer is over!!!!
Summer is over and there is allot of catching up to do!!!!
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Summer is over and there is allot of catching up to do!!!!
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Hey guys I just decided to post this guide up because lots of people feel that this is an impossible fight if the game wants it to be. The truth is that it isn't, it's just designed very well. There may also be other guides for fighting him, but I haven't searched so I'm putting it here for anyone who wants to know how to do it.
Voice chat is recommended, but this encounter can be done without as long as each and every group member knows what they are responsible for.
First off you have a few things to contend with.
Shadow take you - Use of the Staff of Dark Shadows on the western light.
Come dark fire - Use of Scroll of Ruin on the eastern light.
Buurrrrrnnn! - Use of Horn of Anor on the Northern light.
Shadow take you causes you to instantly die if the staff isn't used.
Burrnnn! causes you to instantly die if the horn isn't used
Come dark fire - will completely heal Udunion if the ruin isn't used.
Items needed:
2 Staff of Dark Shadows, could possibly be done with one, but 2 always works. And everyone having 2 items doesn't hurt either just in case someone misses their item.
1 Horn of Arnor
1 Scroll of ruin
These items listed above all drop from inside the instance from the 2 Sorc's in the east and west wings, and the Horn comes from the Castellen's chest.
Bring a stack of Flasks of Conhuith, and a stack of Healing Draughts. Also bring about 10 Salves of Conhuith, and 10 Healing Salves. The last two items mentioned will remove debuffs off and ally or yourself with a slight cast time, the flasks and draughts however are instant.
Then Udunion also has a fear debuff that instakills, as well as a Wound debuff that insta kills.
I'm writing this guide assuming that all the adds have already been taken care of the Sorceress and the Caretakers.
Recommended group make-up: (but can be done with any group and we have done it as well)
1 Guardian
1 Lore-master
2 Hunters
1 Minstrel
1 Champion, burglar, or captain
Position a staff holding hunter (or any class) on the West light
Position another staff holding (1 Champion, burglar, or captain) or any class on the eastern light.
Position the Lore-master (or any class) on the north light.
The fight begins....
Have only the tank hitting Udunion at this time and have your loremaster draw all his power (this is optional but I will always do it as long as there is a loremaster available)
Ok now we go back to the item holders we told to go to the lights (DO NOT STAND ON THE LIGHTS, STAND NEXT TO THEM) Standing on the lights makes you vunerable to his wound/fear debuffs and he's likely to chain both of them on you, me as a minstrel never stand on the lights and rarely get debuffed.
And that's the big secret right there for the debuffs, is standing in the light.
Once you get him down to around 58k he starts saying shadow take you.
Staff 1 is used right after he says SHADOW TAKE YOU... Not before, not during, but right after. Staff 2 counts 1,2,3 <-- Fast seconds not 1 mississippi 2 mississippi but 1,2,3.
ALWAYS USE THE STAFF TWICE (even if it isn't neccessary)
Once he starts saying shadow take you, the Tank drags him off the fire floor towards the north pillar keeping him enough range for the hunters to damage from each side (the amount of damage isn't that important during this fight, that's just a recommended setup)
From here just keep damaging you'll get random shadow take you (always use 2 staffs)
Then do the same when he says (Come dark fire) Use the ruin right after he says it not in the beginning not before, but directly after. And keep your guys off the light.
When you are inside the light you get a debuff called (VULNERABLE) Other then that no one leaves their post always be close to it, use the staff twice, and use your fear and wound pots and that's how this fight is done.
If you get a debuff and your potion timer is down, have your minstrel use their group pots to get them off of you, by default you should always remove the wound debuff because a minstrel has a cure fear as well, but again as long as you don't stand in the lights, it alleviates this problem for the most part, last time we killed him we only had one person get the double debuff and I was already there ready to use a pot on him.
Hope this guide helps, I'm not particularly good at writing them, the rest is just getting everyone on the same page but if you can remove your own debuffs the second the get put on you then you are less likely to be on a cooldown the next time it comes around.
Good luck for everyone going after this mob it's definitely challenging and exciting.
post by Shammus@
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Labels: Udunion
I don't want this to sound like I think I know everything about Champion. This is my first real go at an MMO, but I think I understand the class pretty well, and have some different opinions than the Conventional Wisdom.
If you disagree with something, let me know. I am always trying to improve. But please don't just say "thats stupid." A well thought out response is much more useful to me.
Well, I started LOTRO in Beta in September as a Guardian. I switched to Champion in November cause it looked fun and always thought I would go back to Guardian In Live, but Champ was too fun! (I do have a lowly Guardian alt Haakor – Haakons father). I decided to start this for those who might want to dabble in champion, or compare notes on how they play Champ.
The most useful part for Experienced Champions may be the General Strategies section. I have comeup with a few unique uses for some of our “tools”.
I Chose dwarf due to the might bonus and the general combat hardiness of the race. Dwarfs get a nice racial called endurance of stone or something, it raises 3 different mitigations (common included) by 20-30%. This is nice when you need to tank a boss for a few seconds to help the tank out. Or get in trouble soloing.
Makes an acceptable Champion do to the Agility bonus which increases hit rate (we think) and Crit rate (for sure). A little weak on the might for powerful attacks and the vitality/mitigation.
Human –
Another might bonus. Not as much mitigation as the dwarf. 3000 pt heal never hurts! If there were no dwarf, this is what I would be.
Overall, Race does not seem to play a huge factor in the class. I have seen Great human and Dwarf champs. (havent seen many elf champs at all)
Class :
DW vs 2H:
This is probably the most hotly debated topic, and one of the real choices you will have to make as a Champ. Little experimental evidence is used, mostly anecdotal. I had done some testing in beta and a little in the live game.
DPS – First off let me say that due to the way our skill work DPS really mean almost nothing. We get bonuses to our damage and % added on for our skills so a bigger hit will get more added to it. Even skills which only add damage on the end are affected by the speed of the weapon used, check the tooltips. What is more useful to know is the average damage of your weapons.
Damage output testing– I use this method to test. Use the best 2H weapon you have and the best DW setup you have. (I do not think it is valuable to use matched lvl vendor bought weapons as nobody would ever use them in combat). I pick a mob that is yellow or orange. This gives me worst case on miss rate and simulates the worst fights I will have. I do not care as much on easy fights. Another alternative is to use a lower level elite so the fight will last longer, but then there are few misses. Time the battle… over and over. I usually do it 10 times at least for each setup. You can usually see the pattern by then. Average the times and compare. This same method works for Skill sequences too.
Damage output –
The two common arguments I see are that “of course 2 20 DPS is better than 1 25 DPS” This is from people that don’t know what they are talking about. The other is people saying there is a damage race and smaller quicker hits win. This was based on an old theory in MMO's that was referring to Auto-attack damage. It turns out this arguement is incorrect, and it doesn't apply to Skill use anyway.
What I prefer to see is testing or "feel". Some people have tried DW and 2H and "feel" one is better than the other. Other people have tested it and found one or the other is better. I appreciate both of these arguments, they are doing it on their own, and not trying to get it from the forums. Some people like the slow methodical 2H or the quick responsive DW. They just like the cadence, or feel. I also appreciate the testers, they take the time to scientifically figure it out, sort of. Even the testing boils down to which skill setup YOU have chosen. You could be testing DW vs 2H but unintentionally using a sub-optimal skill sequence for one of them. For you, though, the results are correct! Go with your testing! or your "feel" Cause you will undoubtedly produce more DPS with that choice.
Ok Haakon, What are you results! Remeber that these are my tests, with my skill choices! Well, In my tests only once did DW beat 2H and that was at a low level. At level 42 it was a difference of about 3 seconds in a 25- 30 second fight. I need to retest soon as I never got past lvl 42 in beta. I know a lot of people have been saying DW is better, but I just don’t see it. It may just be a case of group think, not sure, or it could be they are testing just as thoroughly as I am. I plan to test this out fully at lvl 50 when all the best weapons open up to me. I am currently 47 and just got my Great Axe of Daring! So I think no DW setup will compare with that till 50.
I have dueled 3 or 4 champions of equal level and have yet to lose, They all were DWers. I would love to duel some more Champs of equal level, so let me know if you are interested. There is no better way to find out and learn what other champions are doing better than you.
Crits – Because crits add a % damage bonus onto a hit (and with the Deep or Vicious trait adds 25% more) a weapon with one large hit is better than a smaller one (or two smaller ones). Highest I have achieved is over 600. Although, the DWer will produce more smaller crits. I like the larger crits as they have the ability to end the fight early.
Conj - Similar to Crits in that a % is added onto the damge. The highest I have seen yet is just over 800 damage on an all red conj. Because Conjunctions will not happen more often in a fellowship when you use DW (it will very slightly), DW is at a disadvantage here.
Power – Because DW is faster, yet skills use the same power, DW uses a lot more power. I find it to be crippling, but some people spec for this and add in fate and will. I tend to put all my stats into Might, agility, and Vitality.
Cadence – I find the DW setup fun, but it is too fast paced sometimes. I have found a very useful skill sequence for 2H which leaves my character no downtime, but lets me think a little.
2H SKills-
2H excells at AOE. The bigger average hit combined with hitting 4-10 enemies really ups the damage!
2H should use Brutal Strikes as the main skill (does more damage than Relentless)
DW Skills -
Better against one target than AOE. Relentless strikes does more damage than Brutal.
2H Skill Sequence-
After a lot of tweaking (and adjusting to the new timings after the Evendim patch) I have refined my sequence:
1. Start off with a bow shot (this starts my pips a little earlier and gets my sequence started right, if I don’t do it there is a pause almost right away)
2. Swift strike (uses more power, but keeps my cadence going)
3. Flurry
4. Battle Frenzy (with trait slotted for 5 pips)
5. Brutal Strikes
6. Swift Stirke
7. Relentless (I know what I said, but brutal is not ready yet)
8. (in Fellowships or for blues and below it is usually ready for ) Merciful Strike
9. Brutal Strikes
This puts out a lot of damage in a very short period of time. You will have no pauses during this entire sequence! This will kill most farm mobs and elites in a fellowship. If I am fighting even con or higher, The Merciful strike cannot be used as they have not fallen to 25% health and I fall into this sequence:
8. Wild attack
9. Swift Strike
10. Brutal
11. Swift
12 Relentless
Fervour: (how could I forget, thanks Sveno)
Fervour is the bread and butter skill, or should I say toggle skill, for the Champion. It provides a bonus to Power regen, Pip generation, and damage output. The tradeoff is the inability to Block, Parry, or evade. [In Beta the negative used to be a 30-35 increase in damage (but you could still parry, etc.) Trust me when I say this incarnation is much better!] In a fellowship setting this makes you very powerful! You trade off things you should not need (with a good Guardian) for things that will increase your DPS. Even Soloing, you are likely to get the kill fast enough that you will come out ahead compared to not using Fervour. It also allows you to tank fairly well. You can hold aggro pretty easily, however you suffer a lot of extra damage from the inability to evade, block and parry.
I leave it on almost all the time.
There are a few cases when you should turn it off. When soloing, if i decide to not fight anymore (Champions never retreat) I will turn it off hit my defense skills and RUN. Also in a fellowship if you are the tank (no Guardian?) you could try Glory, though it is hard to keep aggro without respecing your traits. More commonly is when the tank falls or is low I will tank for a few seconds to help out. I will sometimes turn off Fervour if I can see it will be for a little while. When this Happens I switch to a shield and my morale gear. You are no longer trying to generate DPS but to live as long as possible till the MEzzers and Healers can control the battle. In this environment you need all the blocks parries, and evades you can get.
Virtues –
Determintaion – agility and morale
Discipline – Might
Fortitude – Might
Valour – might and morale
Justice (or loyalty) – morale and morale regen
I have heard people switching to Honour in angmar for the shadow mitigation. I will reevaluate this as I am just starting on the higher level angmar quests. edit: I've been in angmar for a few weeks now, and don't see the need for this.
Deadly strikes
Deep Strikes
Flury of blows
Vicious strikes
Fervant Rage (will be raplaced the dire need skill when I finish it)
As you can see I am speced for 1 on 1 damage, not AOE. In this game I spend most of my time soloing and like to take onsies and twosies. In Fellowships it is not very often that I would use AOE when we are in trouble, ie., I only would use it against mobs that would not kill me quickly. The 1 on 1 skills give me the boost when I need it (when fighting bosses or one or two elites or EM’s).
As you have read I use 2H weapons. The Flurry of Blows trait provides a very noticable boost to Speed and the longevity of the Flurry skill. My combat skill sequence is hampered if this trait is not used.
Aoe Traits:
Braced against Defeat
Eye of the Storms
Winds of the Storm
Stalwart Blade
I recommend adding these in if you are going AOE. They all add to AOE Damage.
Tanking Traits:
Call of the Wild
Heavy Shield use
Stalwart Blade
Swift to Anger
Blood Lust
These all increase Aggro, or Pip Generation which will suffer without fervour on when your tanking.
I believe Champs are for DPS. There is little benefit to slotting anything that does not enhance this. Especially as endgame approaches, I count on Tanks and Healers to keep me alive. A high morale is nice, but detracts from your damage output and therefore should not be pursued. Therefore, I try to max out might and agility. I still have a couple (one) of Vitality items. I also have taken to using the +1% crit chance earings, this is worth a LOT of agility, and allows me to focus more on might. There is a large argument over Might vs Agility builds and which gets more DPS. I try to raise them both. It seems to me that once you are hitting everytime there is not much further use to Agility. This seems to be around 300 or so. Conversely, Might appears to only push your hits to the max end of your weapons damage range. It does not appear to be able to raise your hits above the max for the weapon. So over 350 or 400 appears to have diminishing returns. I plan to test this out in detail once I hit 50.
Keep a few backup items with nice Vitality and morale bonuses. Also keep the best shield and 1 hander you can hold onto (with morale or vit bonuses) in case you need to tank.
Hammers will from time to time stun your traget, this helps you in soloing and Fellowships as it gives the whole fellowship free swings and reduces the damage on the tank.
Axes will reduce the armor of the target. This also helps soloing and fellowships as everyone will hit more often and for more damage.
Swords only help you hit more, they provide no benefit to the felllowship. You are selfish to use them! (J/K.... mostly)
As was discussed in the DPS section, the primary stat you are interested in is average damage, so the Hammers and axes would be superior even apart from the Felloewship benefits of the Hammer and Axe. The stuns and armor rends can happen in an AOE attack. So your chances of getting these effects go way up when Spamming the AOE. (thanks Felagoth) As you move to endgame however, with might maxed out, your focus will shift to a high max damage. A higher might pushes your damage to the max of the range, never exceeding it (except for crits). This means you will rarely, if ever, hit your low spots, and will begin to see most of your hits at or near the max 1 hit damage with mights approaching 400. This reinforces the superiority of Axes and Hammers over swords. (plus Im a dwarf with a 2% axe bonus)
General Strategies:
We are DPS, not tanks. Let the Grd get aggro for a few seconds. I will usually use the bow for a shot or two or else just autoattack for about 2 seconds. Then start my chain. Unless Tank is higher level than me, then he can usually keep up, still let him attack first though! If you get aggro, use hedge right away, or right after your heal skill. Ebbing ire has worked for me also, but some people have trouble with it. If you have been tanking the mob all along, you will not be able to shed aggro fast enough.
Another aspect of this is to always fight the Mob the tank is on. IF the Tank has three mobs tied up on him use the little button at the end of the tanks stat bar to acquire his target. You don't want to be hitting the two he is not actively building aggro on! See AOE for more.
It seems there is rarely more than one Guardian. It falls to you to keep the adds off the minstrel (and the loremaster). I will disengage from the tanks target to intercept mobs running through the line to the Minstrel. Use your taunt or just DPS to get his aggro. This keeps the main target from moving around (if the tank did it). I then bring the mobs back to the tank so he can aggro it. Other than that, stay on the tanks target, otherwise you risk being killed. A minstrel will not forget what you did for them! And will throw some heals your way.
Sometimes the tank just needs a little help. If the tank gets below about 20% I will use my taunt and hit his mob with the DPS to get aggro. Then, after the Minstrel wakes up and heals him I will hedge and/or Ebbing ire the aggro back. Dwarves should use their stone endurance racial here. And The dire need can help a lot too.
If you do need to go on the defensive cause the tank fell or something, turn off fervour, turn on the defensive skills and switch to your morale gear and sheild. I hate when this happens! But sometimes it will buy just enough time for the Healers, mezzers, etc to get the battle in hand, or res the Tank.
Only AOE if they are weaker mobs or your grd is higher level or very good. To AEO with 5 or 6 elite mobs around is not a good idea. You will have to get the feel for the tank in each group you join to find out how far you can push it. If you are overconned for the quest you can get away with more. If you are underconned, you should probably not use AOE. AOE attacks can trigger Proc effects and Conjunctions on non-targeted mobs (thanks to Felagoth and Ologation)
We have two skills wich will stun mobs for a few seconds. USE THEM! You can buy a horn from crafters that does it on a long timer. There is also a skill you can use which is on a short timer. In fights with many elites this helps a lot, it gives people a chance to catch their breath and healers a chance to catch up! I will use both skills back to back if we are having trouble.
Another use is when you see a Conjunction start. Hit the horn and it will stun the group so they will not get free hits on your fellowship while you stand around waiting for the conj to happen.
The other use is when you are running (training) through enemy territory to get to or leave quickly. Follow right behind the tank and when he gets a nice pile of mobs hit the horn. It will stun them all and help everyone get away.
We have a skill called clobber which will interupt a mob during the induction phase. Look for mobs with the red or green sparkly rays coming out, it means they are about to heal, or sumon, or go dormant (shades). Use clobber during this time and they will have their action cancelled. It is difficult to do, as any current skills running will get in the way. When in dol dinen I used this to great effect on those healer shaman guys. I basically sat on pips when I thought he was going to use one and waited for the induction to start, then CLOBBER!. I would clobber each one multiple times. This skill alone can save your group a lot of time in instances where there are healers.
When DWing you can squeeze these in pretty easy. When you are a 2Her (like me) you will need to anticipate when the special is coming and use quick attacks till it does. Don't start a Brutal or Relentless strike when one of the Orcs around that bone-speaker is 1/2 health, he is sure to try a heal!
Damage type-
I have not had much of a chance to test this out, as you would need a few weapons of various types of equal “DPS”. I did however notice that when I switched from brognam (fire) to a crafted elf 2H headmans axe (common) my DPS did not increase nearly as much as I thought it would from the numbers. I just upgraded from the Fist of Gundabad (common) to the Great Axe of Daring (Ancient Dwarf make) And saw a much bigger jump in DPS than I would expect from the numbers.
I attribute this to damage type and will from now on only use weapons of some type other than common. I suspect (devs have hinted) that different creatures will be more or less vulnerable to different types. IE. Trolls have less mitigation against fire damage.
Mob AOE-
When fighting mobs with AOE damage like giants or trolls or dragons, get around to the other side of the mob from your TANK. This will reduce or eliminate the damage you will take.
Some Mobs (Trolls, Giants, and a Dragon or two) will knock you 20 or 30 meters back when they hit. When you are fighting these creatures always keep your back to a tree or a wall. Never stand before the giants in the MM with your back to the open cliff. I have seen 3 or 4 people knocked off and separated from the Fellowship. I have seen 2 or 3 others die when they hit the bottom!
post by Hakon_Stormbrow@
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Labels: Champion Guide
Term and acronyms to know:
Creeps = the monster players
Freeps = the good guys
Grams / Creep Steps = Gramsfoot is the outpost where every Creep is when they login. This has a merchant, trainer, and bard.
DG / DZ = Dar-Gazag, a Creep controlled Keep south of Gramsfoot. Located in the mountains. This Keep is not capturable by Freeps. There is also a Trainer/Bard located here, but no merchant.
Lug = Lugazag, keep closest to Grams located SE of the starting area. Holding this Keep gives you control of the SW Rez circle.
TA = Tol Ascarnen, keep in the middle of the map. On an island. This is the largest Keep and tends to lend strategical control to the map.
TR = Tirith Rhaw, keep in the NE part of the map. NE of TA. Holding this Keep gives you control of the NE Rez Circle.
LC = Grimwood Lumber Camp. Located South of TA in the forest. Holding this grants you additional quest NPCs.
ID / Isen Isendeep Mine, cave system/keep located in the Frozen/mountain NE of the zone. Entrances exist via the NE region from Grothum, and direct the western entrance directly east of Grams the Creep starting area.
GV /stairs/steps = Glan Vraig, This is where the freeps enter the Ettenmoors, Extreme southeast corner of the map
OST = Ost Ringdyr, freep controlled Keep on the eastern edge of the map - north of GV. NE of TR. Two ramps lead up to this area and a path from Grothum also leads here. This Keep is not capturable.
HH : Hoarhallow, hobbit village located west of the LC in the southern part of the map. Following the river downstream to the SW will lead you there as well. This is a Freep friendly area and can not be captured.
Elf Camp - A group of freep friendly npcs at the foot of the bridge leading east from TA.
Spider Camp / Spiders - a group of creep friendly npcs located between the Lumbercamp and Hoarhallow.
CG or CapGen = Captain General, leader of every Freep controlled keep, must be defeated to control the keep.
FM = Field Marshall, in every Freep controlled keep defending CGs
Burrow = Spiders can burrow in under the ground, burrow can be a reference to both the long term and the short term burrow.
CC = crowd control (stun, daze, root, mez, snare)
DF: Desperate Flight, Hunter ability to escape from battle.
DP : destiny points, to buy abilities with.
HIPS : Hide in Plain Sight, a skill that lets burglars go into stealth mode even while in combat.
Infamy = Honor points for Creeps. Also basically their version of xp, needed to increase your rank. You get these by killing Freeps.
This is sorta just a short list.. but some basic stuff thats good to know as a Creep starting out.
post by Raelin@
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Labels: Creeo
Helegrod Uncovered!
Part 1: The Drums of War
The instance begins with a pull of 4 archers, an ogre, and about 7-8 more mobs. The 4 archers are permanet deaths, but the ogre and other mobs will keep coming in waves until you kill the ones beating on the drums of war.
However, more mobs will not spawn if you keep them alive, so here is the strategy for part 1.
Main tank(MT) will need to pick up the ogre right away and pull it into a spot far away from the group. The tank will sit and bash on the ogre with a healer on him the entire time. This will take place outside the gates. EVERYONE else will let the other tanks pick up all the mobs and damage per second(DPS) on the Main Assist(MA). NO ONE WILL DPS THE OGRE!
Once all the mobs are down except for the ogre--everyone moves in letting the Offtank(OT) pull the guys smacking the drums of war. Once they are all dead--everyone will run back to where the MT and Main Healer(MH) are keeping the OGRE at bay. DPS down the ogre and part 1 is complete.
Stage 1: First Grisgalt + Friends encounter(no loot)
There are 4 named bosses here, the MT will tank 2 of the mobs the OT will tank 2 of the mobs. The third tank will have to pick up all the adds that spawn with the help of any champions. Everyone DPS's the MA targets on the adds, and then the named bosses go down 1 by 1 after the spawns are killed. Stay by the stairs and don't aggro the side camps.
Note- Kill Grisgalt First! He leaves at 100k health! Ahsen should be last--he leaves around 10k i believe.
Stage 2: Giant Boss: Skurovigan
There is one boss here. USE HOPE TOKENS. The MT will run in, aggro the boss for about 30 seconds, and then everyone will continue to do white(auto attack) damage to the boss. Conserve your power for the first stage of this fight! Cast a power ability, wait for it to regen, and cast it again. Eventually you will see a sign saying Skuro concentrates his attacks on XXX. Feel free to DPS hard. At 50% health, the boss will enrage and spawn adds. The MT always loses aggro here for 2 minutes. Everyone needs to stay calm and ignore when the boss is hitting you. 8 Snowbeasts spawn from the tents behind the boss. All tanks need to pick them up immediatly. ONE needs to stay alive. I suggest having a champion build a lot of hate and toss it to a LoreMaster who can keep it stunned the remainder of the fight away from the group. Once all the snowbeasts are down except for the one, start DPS on the boss again. Do NOT kill the last snowbeast or else more will spawn. Also, make sure the Mt picks up the boss after his 2 minute rage! DPS him down, then kill the snow beast.
Stage 3--Go to the right of the opening gate(near the drums of war). Clear Bears--Kill Bear. Tank and spank..could probably 3 man it if you wanted to!
Stage 4-- The Drake Lair --
Lesson 1--Stay off the drake eggs
Make sure you stay off the drake eggs
So you enter--you clear--be careful--nothing out of the ordinary.
Eventually you will come to a room with levers--dont pull them. Also--did i mention stay off the drake eggs? Clear the room where the levers are. Clear the rooms below the lever room to the north and to the south so you can get to each of the gates.
Create two side groups that contain a Guardian, A Minstrel, and a Hunter. One group goes to the south gate. Everyone else stays at the Big Gate room. Have your MT pull the South Lever-- At this time--the South gate will open--the small group of three will run in and clear the drake. At the main gate an elite master with about 4-6 drakes spawn--dps them down at the same time. The South Gate people will now see a lever--send another group--as many as you want as long as their is a minstrel guardian and dpser. The south gate will pull their lever and that will open the north gate. North Gate people run in--DPS down the drake- South gate will fight another drake and so will the main gate--Pull their lever. Main Gate Opens-- pull the south lever to release the north group, pull the north lever at the main gate to release the south group. Regroup
Move on--pulling mobs--be careful. DONT STEP ON THE EGGS.
Eventually you will enter a room full of elite master drakes. Let your MT pull them back to the ramp one at a time, sometimes a pull of two. Clear the entire room.
When you move forward here, BE REALLY FREAKING CAREFUL. Do NOT get close to the other ramp. At the bottom of the ramp their are two scouts--they run and gather more mobs. a lot more mobs...and dont step on the eggs!!
Before you attempt stunning them(which is resisted a lot!) have all your hunters lay traps but make sure they don't aggro the scouts. Have half your stunners targeted on the left scout, and the other half of your stunners targeted on the right scout. Have them all attempt to stun at the same time so they don't run. DPS them down as fast as you can without letting them get away. IF and WHEN they get away--they will aggro many mobs. Just micro manage as best you can. Stun as many as you can..use the hunter traps. They do AOE damage .. there are priests but they don't heal drastically. I recommend having your MA target the elites that AOE and get them down first. But if the scout is alive--kill him first!! If you wipe at least you won't hafta worry about the scout again.
That is probably the hardest part of this stage.
BOSS FIGHT - No need for tokens
Ok good job, pull, clear, get to the boss zone. DONT STEP ON THE EGGS.
There are 2 elite worms and 2 elite dragons--they do a lotta damage, and you can't do damage to them. EVERYONE needs to DPS as hard as they can on Grisgart. LoreMasters are clutch for this fight, they can keep the dragons stunned the entire time until Grisgart is down. Burglars can stun as well, but usually can't stun lock the entire time. Tanks do your best to keep them off the healers if they are not stunned. DPS down Grisgart, then take out each of the worms/dragons 1 by 1. Loot the Chest. Stage cleared.
Note-In case i forgot to mention it, make sure you stay off the drake eggs.
Stage 5- The Spiders
BRING POISON Draughts and Salves.I recommend 5 per person.
Champions make this fight easy. Clear everything, get drops, be careful, the tighter the group can stay the faster the spiders will go down. MT should pull big spiders away from the group. Clear..Clear..Clear
Ok now you get to a room with water/ice in the middle. Your at the boss.
You fight 4 waves of spiders that get progressively more difficult. Stay in a nice tiny circle and you won't have a problem. Champions AOE, hunters watch your DPS, and everyone will be alive for the main fight. During the phase of the waves of spiders the EYE DOT will cause the bigger spiders to target on the person with the eye. If your a tank, keep the eye, if your not, get rid of the eye!Once the waves are done, the spider boss comes out.(Tiny down time before you fight the spider- regen as fast as you can and res asap)
Let your main tank get aggro, DPS away. If you have a poison, SCREAM AND YELL "(YOUR NAME HERE) HAS THE DEADLY POISON." It looks like an EYE-- also--IT ONLY KILLS PEOPLE WHEN THE SPIDER BOSS IS OUT--DO RUN IF YOU HAVE THE EYE. That is correct, DO RUN! If you pot and it doesn't get the eye off of you, get the hell away from the group. We are still discovering the range but so far you CAN be far enough away to sve the group. Use your pots to get rid of it, and hope your burglars and elves do the rest. Remember the bomb in MC--its the same concept. You will wipe the raid if you don't get that poison off. Small waves of spiders come in--stop DPS on the boss--take out the spiders asap. Back on spider boss.
Suggestions: 1:Keep your hunters on the boss the entire time, let champions and guardians handle the spawns, under 20k health focus all dps on the spider.
2: Have everyone select in Options: Social Options: View only dispellable effects: This will really help in seeing the eye.
Use Tokens. Summon the guy from the tomb. Main tank grab him. Everyone DPS him down asap. When adds come, extra guardians can pick them up but stay on the tombstone guy. When he dies the adds will go away. Thorog comes down. Main tank pick him up and face him away from the group. WATCH YOUR DOTS. Get rid of the eye if you have it with a pot. Much like the spider boss, you will wipe the raid if you dont get rid of the dot. Drakes come from stairs, LOS and bring them to the group. Spiders also come, Tank them and kill them...but not with your MT. your Mt has to be ready to pick yo Thorog anytime he flies away and comes back.(TO BE CONTINUED...)
FATE Kinship Suggestions:
Use a third party voice chat program. The in game does not work for everyone, it is hard to understand, and most importantly, it bugs out!
FATE uses ventrilo, and I would recommend it to other kinships. We don't let anyone raid with us who won't use it, we don't let anyone MT or MH if they don't have a MICROPHONE either.
For conjunctions use blue blue blue green green green. You never know who will be able to contribute to the conjunction right now since there is a horrid raid bug that gives people "invalid target". At least get some power back!
BRING POT(s)! We have every member bring 20 Poison and 20 Fear Draughts and Salves. We also require each member brings 2 +4 hope tokens so it isn't the same people constantly bringing them. We also require 5 Pure Pots of power and morale. Lastly we ask that everyone sends their extra beryls to our jewellers in order to make us +5 hope tokens for our MT group.
Fear Restistance + Shadow Mitigation. Start stacking!
For Fear resistance max out confidence, empathy, and idealsm! 13% Alone with those traits! Our goal is to get 36% total(i know it is a lot! but if you start storing early, you can do it, i am personally already at 31%!)
Why 36%? Captains have a 50% fear resistance buff and minstrels have a 10% resistance buff. Stacked with minstresl +60 will from minstrels and +50 will from captains, time it right, and you will have immunity to fear!
Goodluck- Hope this helps.
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Labels: raid
S - Signiture
E - Elite
EM - Elite Master
Name | Level | Species | Zone Found | Details on where found | Coordinates | Roamer | Comments | Found By |
Gloom-Gaze | 15 | Bat | Breelands | Old Forrest | 34.9S, 58.1W | N | Near Willow Glade | Sasse |
Wildthorn | E17 | Huorn | Breelands | Old Forrest | 34.2S, 57.6W | N | Forlorn Glade | Fizen |
Eitor-kalsak | E18 | Spider | Breelands | Old Forrest | ? | Y | Roams The Weaver's Den | Fizen |
Asht | 20 | Warg | Lone Lands | Minas Eriol (the area with Arnorian Rubble) | 35.3S, 39.0W | N | Elite Warg is sometimes Placeholder | Faroth |
BlackClaw | S18 | Bear | Breelands | Borrow Downs | ? | Y | Far south, by the elite trees | Sasse |
Sawtooth | S18 | Wolf | Lone Lands | Wolf den NW of the Bridge | 28.6S, 41.6W | ? | . | Klesp |
Ironhide | 20 | White Boar | Lonelands | North of Weathertop is a hill named Echad Sul | 28.9S 36.8W | Y | Kill all mobs in area | Cuthalion |
Trampletusk | S20 | Auroch | North Downs | South of Gatson Farm | 11.7S, 45.7W | Y | Drops River Maiden's Thread for Tailor Quest | Fizen |
Kraur | S28 | Warg | Lone Lands | Near Haragmar and the East-West Road | 32.8S, 26.3W | Y | At the Dol Vaeg Flag | Klinos |
Khurshat | S27 | Warg | North Downs | Near The Snares | 11.8S,43.1W | Y | . | Fizen |
Skulkmire | S28 | Marshstrider | North Downs | Meluinen just south of the Orc camp at Merenost. | 15.4S, 43.2W | N | . | Sorayn |
Moss-back | E28 | Marshstrider | Lone Lands | Roams Haragmar east of Ost Guruth. | ? | Y | . | Fizen |
Silverclaw | S30 | White Wildcat | North Downs | South of dwarf city, south of the wildcat lair that does not change to dwarfs and bears. | 8.2S, 45.4W | Y | Stealthed Mob | Fizen |
Darkheart | EM31 | Tree | Lone Lands | North of the undead area in Agamaur | ? | Y | . | Bartholan |
Windscreamer | S31 | Lynx | Trollshaws | Patrols the High Moor | ? | Y | Stealthed Mob | Fizen |
Nurzum | S33 | Warg | North Downs | East entrance that leads to Dol Dinen, along the road | 12.1S, 37.0W | Y | . | Timbur |
Bleakwind | EM33 | Drake | North Downs | At the w in Nain Amlug west | 6.5S 41.0W | Y | . | Zolg |
Grish | E33 | Warg | North Downs | Dol Dinen, south of the binding stones | ? | Y | . | Fizen |
Karnasht | S37 | Wolf | Trollshaws | Drauglad | 35.0S, 13.9W | Y | Wolf's Den at the SF in Kingsfell. Stealthed Mob | D3xter |
Steelmaw | S39 | Bear | Trollshaws | Western edge of the forrst north of the ranger outpost Thorenhad | 30.3S, 16.3W | ? | . | Kelsp |
Driftmane | 41 | Lynx | Misty Mountains | East of Gloin's camp and east of Cirith Imladris | ? | Y | . | Hithlinel |
Umling | E42 | Spider | Trollshaws | East Trap Door ruins | 27.0S 19.1W | Y | north end of the Wovenvales | Hithlinel |
Kindle-Maw | EM43 | Drake | Misty Mountains | On the slopes above the western half of Caldwells Pool | ? | Y | . | Hithlinel |
HoarTusk | EM47 | Mammoth | Misty Mountains | Giant area | 29.6S 1.9E | Y | West of "The Lornstone". | Kanut |
Swale-singer | S45 | Neekerbeeker | Angmar | North East of Himbar in East Angmar | Y | Y | Spawns a little above the first "a" in "Malenhad" on the Angmar map | ? |
Gnashmaw | E48 | Worm | Angmar | Gorothlad | ? | Y | 2 place holders - 1 travels through the ravine in Gorothlad, around the L. Another circles the canyon around the LAD in gorothlad | ? |
Skybreaker | EM48 | Drake | East Angmar | under the Th in Maethad | ? | ? | ? | D3xter |
Snowback | E49 | Snowbeast | Misyty Mountians | In the open field South of Helegrod raid instance | 20.4S 2.3W | Y | Roughly west of the instance for Book 5 Chapter 8 | Ruin3d |
Achathling | E50 | Spider | Angmar | North East of Himbar in East Angmar | y | Y | Enter the Spider Den, Look for a roaming Spider queen | ? |
Colnor | EM52 | Drake | Angmar | Nan Gurth | 8.0N 24.0W | N | In the valley on the right of the road to Minas Caul | Katya |
Sagrurz | E37 | Warg | Evendim | Tyrn Fornech | 4.9S, 65.8W | Y | South of Goblin camp of Tum Fuin. PH is a Ravenous Twilight-Howler that roams up the hill and back through the camp. | Fizen |
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Labels: crafting
1) Find an opposite, ie. someone who gathers the same type as you (woodworker, prospector, farmer) and work with them so you both get plenty of what you need. For example gather copper if you’re a jeweler, but also gather tin to allow copper to respawn at the resource nodes. Give the tin to your weaponsmith friend, who can feed you the random jewels picked up from prospecting which they can't use. For scholars, speak to everyone as you are the only one who can use runes, scrolls and symbols. Trade the 35 Minor Lore scrolls you need to make in order to go up a level (100 total to master the tier) with other players for their scholar ingredients, as the Minor Lore scrolls are used as quest completion requirements for most professions.
2) Don't simply sell all the stuff you gather. Keep some items for a few days and see if you bump into someone who needs them as they might be able to exchange your components for items you need or sell at the Auction House (see below). Components tend to trade and sell better than crafted items (ie, blade or hilt not a sword) at Apprentice tier because the crafted items are poor, however, many professions use the components you can create.
3) Keep an eye out for craft missions and their rewards. Often it's a cook mission and you're a weaponsmith, but the reward is some ore or ingots. Speak to a cook and trade (some of the huge number of bronze blades you need to produce for a pie crust, for example).
4) Talk to people. The one thing the forums have highlighted is that we're all in the same boat, but instead of expecting Codemaster to fix the "problem" of limited resources or difficulties in improving your crafting tier we can simply get around it by having a decent network of players who talk to each other in game.
1) For the crafting professions (ie. Non-gathering) once you complete the tier you are on, you need to fulfill a quest to advance to the next tier and will not gain any experience for any crafting done until the quest is complete. The quests vary from merely talking to someone to much tougher missions which you might need to fellowship up for.
2) Help out other players who need you to craft components for their hard to make items. If you haven’t mastered the level, and they provide all the gear, it costs you nothing and you gain experience. If you’ve mastered the tier, then you can mastercraft the same item and potentially get two free items for crafting their one (or whatever the multiple is). Mastercrafting often produces multiple of an item, or a far superior item. Either way the player will likely be pleased and at worst you lose nothing.
3) Recipes are key. As many people have pointed out, the automatic recipes you get each tier tend to be very bog standard items and will garner little to no response from paying players. Rare and/or mastercrafted items will command the highest prices but are the hardest to work towards in terms of effort put in. Find the ones people want and work on those and just work on other items to min/max your crafting experience. Unique items are especially rare and, if mastercrafted, tend to come with additional bonuses beyond the normal (weapons = additional damage effects, other items = stat bonuses) that you can’t pick up as rare drops, etc.
1) Use the auction house and mailboxes as often as possible. If your friend is several realms over you can still swap ingredients using the mailbox, albeit one ingredient (or batch) at a time. There is a nominal fee, which increases when sending stacks and covers 10% - 40% of the stack price depending on it's rarity. The auction house is a great place to pick up items and components, assuming you don't pander to the few people who put items on at seriously inflated prices. Market demands do drive down prices on components also the fee for posting is non-refundable and quite high for stacks.
2) Find the unique items your craft can make, ie. Food, craft tools, burglary items, potions, etc. and work on them. They might be harder to craft but will always provide a good return on investment on the Auction House. New items of note are bear treats and Minstrel strings.
3) Price things in the Auction House at a reasonable price. If it's worth 48 copper, asking for 20 silver each is just going to result in your item not selling and you being out of pocket. Stacks have a higher cost to post at the Auction House, so cost accordingly, but not so high your item doesn’t sell. That truly IS a money sink. Basic real life auctioning etiquette is that you start things out at no more than the real value of the item (item price plus posting cost) or set an initial price at no more than twice it's value and a reasonable buy price based on it’s demand. Letting an auction run three days with no buy price is likely to garner little interest as players can often find other avenues for the same resources within three days unless it truly is a rare item.
4) When in the Auction House max out the number of bids you can place and merely accept the ones you win. Concede the ones where you get outbid to an excessive degree as auction fever is another good way to lose money and new items for bidding are always popping up. That way you can get the resources you need over a long term (weeks), without paying the excessive prices currently being posted. Patience is key here and almost all resources have been posted at reasonable prices at some point. If you can wait then the resources will come, you just often need to bid on three reasonable priced items and hope you win at least one. Sometimes I’ve won all of the bids I’ve placed but it’s always better to have too many resources than too few, besides you have access to the Vault to store any excess.
5) Prices do fall for most resources as more and more players get used to the AH interface. It's a decent way to make money and there are fewer postings for 1 bronze ingot at 5 silver, etc. Learn the game, learn the crafting quests and learn what others need. Supply and demand is key here. You have to make a LOT of duff items to level up, which no-one except the vendors will want but from Journeyman onwards, or mastercraft apprentice items you can usually get a decent profit. (10-20% overall on cost put in). As in most things in real life, you need money to put into it first before you can get some out. Adventure first to gather some capital then invest in crafting, bearing in mind you will need sufficient funds to pay your way through master apprentice and master journeyman before you will see any real return.
6) The Auction House does not have a great interface that's true, but it has undergone improvements and I've not had much trouble with it once I've become accustomed to the interface. If you have problems just ask around.
post by hipster666@
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Labels: crafting
NPC Key: Expert Cook[E] Grocer[G] Novice Cook[N] Supplier[S]
4 copper Ingredients:
24 copper Ingredients:
[E][G][N][S]Fresh Butter
[E][G][N][S]Chicken Egg
[E][G][N][S]Coarse Flour
[E][G][N][S]Pork Shank
[E]---[N]---Ale Yeast
[E]---[N]---Lager Yeast
---[G]---[S]Common Mushroom
---[G]---[S]Fresh Carrot
---[G]---[S]Yellow Onion
[E]---------Fine Clover Honey
[E]---------Golden Shire Taters
60 copper Ingredients:
[E]---[N]---Clay Pot
------[N]---Raw Pork Sausage
------[N]---Shire Seasonings
------[N]---Vegetable Oil
1.20 silver Ingredients:
------[N]---Uncooked Bacon
------[N]---Lamb Bones
------[N]---Cut of Beef
------[N]---Uncooked Pork Chops
------[N]---Lamb Kidney
------[N]---Bag of Salt
2.40 silver Ingredients:
[E]---------Shire Apple
[E]---------Fine Seasonings
[E]---------Sharp Cheese
[E]---------Uncooked Chicken
3.56 silver Ingredients:
[E]---------Blessed Elf-flour
[E]---------Savoury Seasonings
[E]---------Fresh Cream
*Note prices exclude crops while I work out the cost per item.(uncalculated ingredients are in brackets)
Apprentice's Ale = .32c (4 spring barley, 4 north downs hops)
Bold Stout = 32c (4 spring barley, 4 north downs hops)
Prepared North Downs Hops = 4c (4 north downs hops)
Spring Barley Mash = 4c (4 spring barley)
Cooked Food:
Hard Biscuits = .72c
Mushroom Pie = 1.20
Roast Pork = 72c
Lute Strings of Minor Subtlety = 1.24 (1 blackened boar intestine)
Pie Crust = 72c
Trail Food:
Cooked Carrots = 52c
Eggs & Onions = 72c
Fried Mushrooms = 72c
Blue Bock = 24c (4 spring barley, 4 golding hops, 2 blueberries)
Blueberry Ale = 24c (4 spring barley, 4 golding hops, 2 blueberries)
Prepared Golden Hops = 4c (4 golding Hops)
Cooked Food:
Blueberry Muffins = 72c (1 blueberry)
Coney Pie = 3.12 (2 taters)
*Hornblower's Pie = 72c (1 blueberry)
Stuffed Cabbage = 72c (1 cabbage)
Marinated Coney = 1.80
Spiced Potatoes = 60c (2 taters)
Pet Food:
Pot of Crude Honey & Oats = 1.32 (3 oats)
Trail Food:
Complete Hobbit Breakfast = 2.28
Coney Stew = 2.92 (2 taters)
Pork sausage = 1.80
Honeybrew = 1.00 (4 spring barley, 4 pride of chetwood hops)
Prepared Pride of Chetwood Hops = 4c (4 pride of chetwood hops)
Shire Spice Ale = 92c (4 spring barley, 4 pride of chetwood hops)
Cooked Food:
Beef Stew = 3.24 (1 tater, 1 green onion)
Hard Tack Rations = 1.68 (1 tater)
Steak & Kidney Pie = 3.12 (1 green onion)
Hearty Stock = 2.04
Marinated Beef = 2.40 (1 green onion)
Trail Food:
Delicious Crispy Bacon = 2.64
Pork Chops = 3.00
Vegetable Medley = 1.08 (1 green onion, 1 cauliflower)
Prepared Green Hill Hops = 4c (5 green hill hops)
Strawberry Stout = 32c (4 spring barley, 5 green hill hops, 2 strawberries)
Winter Barley Mash = 4c (5 winter barley)
Winterberry Ale = 32c (4 spring barley, 5 green hill hops, 2 raspberries)
Cooked Food:
Shire Rations = 16.56
Spiced Apple Pie = 8.16
Stew of Kings = 6.64 (1 green onion, 1 tater)
Apple Pie Filling = 7.44
Marinated Chicken Cutlets = 4.20
Trail Food:
Hobbiton Omelette = 3.84 (1 green onion)
Roasted Chicken = 6.00
Salted Beef Delights = 6.00
Blackberry Ale = 4c (6 umbel hops)
Prepared Umbel Hops = 32c (5 winter barley, 6 umbel hops, 2 blackberries)
Ultimate Honeybrew = 1.04 (5 winter barley, 6 umbel hops)
Cooked Food:
Lembas = 10.92
Perfect Pie = 96c (1 strawberry, 1 blueberry, 1 blackberry, 1 raspberry)
Ultimate Carrot Cake = 7.40
Berry Pie filling = 24c (1 strawberry, 1 blueberry, 1 blackberry, 1 raspberry)
Tasty Frosting = 3.12
Trail Food:
Delicious Steak = 8.40
Feast of Rohan = 13.32 (1 green onion, 1 tater)
Masterful Mash = 4.76
All costs are in silvers, unless stated otherwise.
Brewing: 6 XP
Cooked Food: 8 XP
Ingredients: 6 XP
Trail Food: 8 XP
*Quest Reward recipe, from delivering all the Pies in The Shire
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Labels: cook
I you are new to MP or just thinking about starting to play some MP, here are some suggestions and tips. I have heard some grumbling around lately about new players in the area and the issues that come with new players. This is somewhat of a startup guide to try and help you all out. By the way, this is meant as a help to new players so please try and keep comments constructive.
First of all, those of us who have been playing MP welcome you. New creeps are always welcome in the fight.
SO you just rolled a creep.
A what? Creeps are the common term for any Monster Player. Conversely we also have freeps. Freeps are the Free Peoples (NPCs and players), just shortened. We fight against them. AND now you are in MP (monster play), in the Ettenmoors. You start in a fort with lots of wargs, trolls, spiders and the like. What to do first? At this point you have some choices to make. What kind of MP'er do you want to be? If you want to be one who dies a lot and never gets invites to raids then you have it easy. Just get on OOC and ask for a raid invite every 10 seconds until you get one. Then once you are invited ask where the freeps are and how to get there. If this is you then you can stop reading now, get back to the game and go feed some freep renown.
HOWEVER if you want to be a smart and successful MP'er then listen up.
First, forget about freeps for the time being. You are in Gramsfoot. The first thing you should do is go and get all quests available to you there. The most important quests are the exploration quests right now. You need to know where to go when freeps are spotted. Please complete these quests as it will reveal the entire map to you and also get you familiar with the locations of the keeps. Now go do the exploration quests. Note, while doing the exploration quests, collect all other quests that you see. Almost all of them are repeatable and you will not fill up your quest queue all the way as there are less than 40 total.
Below I will list the areas and keeps and their abbreviations to help you out:
Gramsfoot (Grams) - where you are right now, NW corner of the map. The starting location for all MP'ers when you log in. Also the rez circle if the freeps control everything.
Tol Ascarnen (TA) - Center of the map. Largest of the controllable keeps. It sits on its own island.
Isendeep (Isen) - Northern part of the map. Isen is one big mine. This is a controllable location
Grothum (Grothum) - Northeast corner of map. This is a goblin camp that is creep friendly. This cannot be taken, although it can be cleared.
Ost Ringdyr (Ost) - This is on the E side of the map, south of Grothum. This is a freep controlled keep. This cannot be taken.
Glan Vraig (GV) - This is in the Southeast corner of the map and is the freeps starting location in the Ettens, equivalent of our Gramsfoot.
Tirith Rhaw (TR) - between TA and GV, SW of Ost. A controllable Keep.
Grimwood Lumber Camp (LC) - South of TA on map. This is a controllable area.
Hoarhallow (HH) - SW corner of map. This is a hobbit villiage that cannot be taken.
Dar-Gazag (DG) - kind of like the freeps Ost, this is a non controllable creep keep location.
Lugazag (Lug) - same setup as TR, a controllable location, between TA and Grams.
South Bridge (SB) - the bridge off of the island where TA is on the south side. This is a popular place for battles.
Elf Camp (EC) - the group of rocks and NPCs just south of the SB. Another popular place for battles. A lot of time the freeps will bunker in the EC and creeps will bunker on the SB and will fight back and forth between the two.
Edit to add a few more locations:
Spiders: Friendly to creeps, there is a ruined keep between LC and HH. This is a freep questing area (i think) so you can sometimes find loners here.
Fields/Seeds/Seedfields: There is a field in the southern part of HH where brittleleaf seeds grow. There are lots of hobbits around, but if you clear them you can pick all the seeds you want. Often freeps will camp this spot.
Trees: There is an area S of LC where there are trees like the ones in the old forest.
Falls: Do the Poison the Hordale quest once and you will know of these falls just NE of TA. They are fun to jump off too.....
OK - you have finished the explore quests, now what?
Well now is a good time to test out your skills. If there is freep action you would have heard about it over OOC by now. Since all of the creeps in the Ettens can see OOC it is the defacto communication channel. LFF, Advice and the other channels are very rarely, if at all, used. If there is no freep activity I would suggest starting with Slugs. Slug ponds can be found outside of grams and down towards DG. Or you can go down to HH and take on some hobbits. Or whatever. Explore and find out which NPCs are friendly and which aren't. Drakes love to be petted though. Get to know the areas and talk to people.
UPDATE: A note on questing. I think I metioned that almost all quests are repeatable. Most are also soloable. Besides retaking keeps, there are 3 quests that you need to definitely group for (actually more than 3, but 3 really common ones). Thanks Bloodeater and Moinuk.
Goldenhead (Goldie): Is N/NE of TR. He has ~65k morale so a decent sized group is needed.
Golloval (Gollo): Is west of the Isen S (center) entrance. Also has ~65k morale.
A call for a G/G quest group is one that goes back and forth from Goldie to Golloval.
Mayor Mudbottom (i think the name is right): is at the center of HH in front of the tall house. He has ~10k morale, but be careful to not aggro other hobbits here.
NOW there are freeps around what do I do?
Well don't keep bugging people on OOC for invites. If someone has a raid going and needs more people they will ask for people to volunteer. Otherwise, feel free to go down and check out the action yourself. Listen over OOC to what is going on and where the action is. Some actions are frowned on when fighting freeps, listen to see if you are doing any of those. If a raid falls back you should too because freeps love to go after lone creeps after a raid pullback. If you do get in a raid, listen to the raid leaders. Do what they say. You can tell really quick if it is a smart raid group or not. If you all are coordinated move and attack together then it is a good group. If you join the raid to take on freeps and see the little dots on your map for your raid members and they are spread out all over the map, it is a good bet that the raid is not very organized. But most of all, listen and watch. There are some good strategies out there for dealing with freeps. You will learn them, it just takes time.
ONE other thing. I highly suggest this.
Do this before going after freeps or joining a big raid. Get a fellowship/raid together with other new people. I have a list of things for you to do. These are fun things and everyone needs to try them. And then get those things out of their system and never do them again.
1- Go camp outside of GV. Sit and wait for freeps to come out. Then try and get them to come out far enough so you can take them down. By the way, the NPC guards there are nicknamed 1-shot guards. If you want to know why, go talk to one of them up close. Get to know steve. He is the rock just over the crest of the hill outside GV.
Why this is frowned on: Yes it seems like fun. We have all done it. But the fact is, this is a horrible place to attack freeps. We can only come at them from one side, and they have lots of NPC help here and it quickly becomes a stalemate. Get it out of your system now.
2- Try and make it to the top of the GV stairs. Go up to GV and have a look and you will see the stairs. Get your group to go at once and see if you can make it to the top. Go ahead, you know you want to. We have all tried it.
Why this is frowned on: Its not frowned on. Its fun to do. Once. Try it and see.
3- If you are a warg, pounce a burglar. Then try and take him out.
Why this is frowned on: Burgs have a response skill to being stunned. It makes them pretty much impervious to attack for about 30 seconds. If you are 1v1 this makes things really tough. Do it once and get it out of your system.
4- Pull NPCs through a camp/area onto your group. Want to see your group run for cover? Get on the other side of HH or EC and run through, getting all of the NPCs to follow you and run straight into your group. Great fun!
Why this is frowned on: This happens a lot when fighting freeps. Its bad news because now, instead of just freeps, we have a bunch of NPCs to deal with too. If you find you have a bunch of NPCs on you please run away from your group, lose the NPCs then circle back around to your group.
5- Pull the Captain General. When the freeps control a keep (TR, TA, Isen, LC, Lug) and you are trying to take it back, go on in and whack the head guy. Its fun!
Why this is frowned on: The guys around the captain generals are hard to take out themselves as is, leave the cap-gen until last. As long as you don't go bothering him, he should stay right where he is.
6- Hang out alongside a raid that is killing goldie, golloval (quests) or a cap-gen, then run ahead of them at the last second and tap the main guy.
Why this is frowned on: Most raid will stop fighting the NPC if you do this, leaving you there alone to face the wrath. Either try and join the raid or start your own, but people don't want to spend a lot of time killing something when they won't get anything out of it, but you will get all the rewards because you tapped it.
7- Go crazy in the mines looking for freeps or scout the slug pits for burglars. Oftentimes freeps hang out in these two places to farm NPCs. Feel free to go hunting there if things are slow.
Why this is frowned on: Its not. Feel free to do this anytime. There are certain freeps you will find like to hang out there more than others. Just go crazy.
8- Poison the River and jump off the waterfall. We have all done it
9- Ask a lot of questions that aren't answered here on OOC.
Why this is frowned on: Its not. Not at all. Please ask away. But please remember that we are all doing stuff too, I know I see questions sometimes while fighting freeps and just don't have time to answer. We are friendly. If no one answers give it some time, then maybe try asking again. Nothing wrong with questions.
OK now you have done all of the fun stuff that gets old fast. Come on down and join us for a front row freep takedown.
post by soccergoof@
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Labels: MP
Helegrod Uncovered!
Part 1: The Drums of War
The instance begins with a pull of 4 archers, an ogre, and about 7-8 more mobs. The 4 archers are permanet deaths, but the ogre and other mobs will keep coming in waves until you kill the ones beating on the drums of war.
However, more mobs will not spawn if you keep them alive, so here is the strategy for part 1.
Main tank(MT) will need to pick up the ogre right away and pull it into a spot far away from the group. The tank will sit and bash on the ogre with a healer on him the entire time. This will take place outside the gates. EVERYONE else will let the other tanks pick up all the mobs and damage per second(DPS) on the Main Assist(MA). NO ONE WILL DPS THE OGRE!
Once all the mobs are down except for the ogre--everyone moves in letting the Offtank(OT) pull the guys smacking the drums of war. Once they are all dead--everyone will run back to where the MT and Main Healer(MH) are keeping the OGRE at bay. DPS down the ogre and part 1 is complete.
Stage 1: First Grisgalt + Friends encounter(no loot)
There are 4 named bosses here, the MT will tank 2 of the mobs the OT will tank 2 of the mobs. The third tank will have to pick up all the adds that spawn with the help of any champions. Everyone DPS's the MA targets on the adds, and then the named bosses go down 1 by 1 after the spawns are killed. Stay by the stairs and don't aggro the side camps.
Note- Kill Grisgalt First! He leaves at 100k health! Ahsen should be last--he leaves around 10k i believe.
Stage 2: Giant Boss: Skurovigan
There is one boss here. USE HOPE TOKENS. The MT will run in, aggro the boss for about 30 seconds, and then everyone will continue to do white(auto attack) damage to the boss. Conserve your power for the first stage of this fight! Cast a power ability, wait for it to regen, and cast it again. Eventually you will see a sign saying Skuro concentrates his attacks on XXX. Feel free to DPS hard. At 50% health, the boss will enrage and spawn adds. The MT always loses aggro here for 2 minutes. Everyone needs to stay calm and ignore when the boss is hitting you. 8 Snowbeasts spawn from the tents behind the boss. All tanks need to pick them up immediatly. ONE needs to stay alive. I suggest having a champion build a lot of hate and toss it to a LoreMaster who can keep it stunned the remainder of the fight away from the group. Once all the snowbeasts are down except for the one, start DPS on the boss again. Do NOT kill the last snowbeast or else more will spawn. Also, make sure the Mt picks up the boss after his 2 minute rage! DPS him down, then kill the snow beast.
Stage 3--Go to the right of the opening gate(near the drums of war). Clear Bears--Kill Bear. Tank and spank..could probably 3 man it if you wanted to!
Stage 4-- The Drake Lair --
Lesson 1--Stay off the drake eggs
Make sure you stay off the drake eggs
So you enter--you clear--be careful--nothing out of the ordinary.
Eventually you will come to a room with levers--dont pull them. Also--did i mention stay off the drake eggs? Clear the room where the levers are. Clear the rooms below the lever room to the north and to the south so you can get to each of the gates.
Create two side groups that contain a Guardian, A Minstrel, and a Hunter. One group goes to the south gate. Everyone else stays at the Big Gate room. Have your MT pull the South Lever-- At this time--the South gate will open--the small group of three will run in and clear the drake. At the main gate an elite master with about 4-6 drakes spawn--dps them down at the same time. The South Gate people will now see a lever--send another group--as many as you want as long as their is a minstrel guardian and dpser. The south gate will pull their lever and that will open the north gate. North Gate people run in--DPS down the drake- South gate will fight another drake and so will the main gate--Pull their lever. Main Gate Opens-- pull the south lever to release the north group, pull the north lever at the main gate to release the south group. Regroup
Move on--pulling mobs--be careful. DONT STEP ON THE EGGS.
Eventually you will enter a room full of elite master drakes. Let your MT pull them back to the ramp one at a time, sometimes a pull of two. Clear the entire room.
When you move forward here, BE REALLY FREAKING CAREFUL. Do NOT get close to the other ramp. At the bottom of the ramp their are two scouts--they run and gather more mobs. a lot more mobs...and dont step on the eggs!!
Before you attempt stunning them(which is resisted a lot!) have all your hunters lay traps but make sure they don't aggro the scouts. Have half your stunners targeted on the left scout, and the other half of your stunners targeted on the right scout. Have them all attempt to stun at the same time so they don't run. DPS them down as fast as you can without letting them get away. IF and WHEN they get away--they will aggro many mobs. Just micro manage as best you can. Stun as many as you can..use the hunter traps. They do AOE damage .. there are priests but they don't heal drastically. I recommend having your MA target the elites that AOE and get them down first. But if the scout is alive--kill him first!! If you wipe at least you won't hafta worry about the scout again.
That is probably the hardest part of this stage.
BOSS FIGHT - No need for tokens
Ok good job, pull, clear, get to the boss zone. DONT STEP ON THE EGGS.
There are 2 elite worms and 2 elite dragons--they do a lotta damage, and you can't do damage to them. EVERYONE needs to DPS as hard as they can on Grisgart. LoreMasters are clutch for this fight, they can keep the dragons stunned the entire time until Grisgart is down. Burglars can stun as well, but usually can't stun lock the entire time. Tanks do your best to keep them off the healers if they are not stunned. DPS down Grisgart, then take out each of the worms/dragons 1 by 1. Loot the Chest. Stage cleared.
Note-In case i forgot to mention it, make sure you stay off the drake eggs.
Stage 5- The Spiders
BRING POISON POTS.I recommend 5 per person.
Champions make this fight easy. Clear everything, get drops, be careful, the tighter the group can stay the faster the spiders will go down. MT should pull big spiders away from the group. Clear..Clear..Clear
Ok now you get to a room with water/ice in the middle. Your at the boss.
You fight about 4 or 5 waves of spiders that get progressively more difficult. Stay in a nice tiny circle and you won't have a problem. Champions AOE, hunters watch your DPS, and everyone will be alive for the main fight. Once the waves are done, the spider boss comes out.(Tiny down time before you fight the spider- regen as fast as you can)
Let your main tank get aggro, DPS away. If you have a poison, SCREAM AND YELL "(YOUR NAME HERE) HAS THE DEADLY POISON." It looks like an EYE-- also--IT ONLY KILLS PEOPLE WHEN THE SPIDER BOSS IS OUT--not during the waves of spiders part. Use your pots to get rid of it, and hope your burglars and elves do the rest. Remember the bomb in MC--its the same concept. You will wipe the raid if you don't get that poison off. Small waves of spiders come in--stop DPS on the boss--take out the spiders asap. Back on spider boss.
Note* Last time we still got hit by the deadly poison and lost half the raid, we were able to DPS down the boss before we all died.
Suggestions: 1:Keep your hunters on the boss the entire time, let champions and guardians handle the spawns, under 20k health focus all dps on the spider.
2: Have everyone select in Options: Social Options: View only dispellable effects: This will really help in seeing the eye.
Stage 6- BRING FEAR POTS!! Use Tokens. Summon the guy from the tomb. Main tank grab him. Everyone DPS him down asap. When adds come, extra guardians can pick them up but stay on the tombstone guy. When he dies the adds will go away. Thorog comes down. Main tank pick him up and face him away from the group. WATCH YOUR DOTS. Get rid of the eye if you have it with a pot. Much like the spider boss, you will wipe the raid if you dont get rid of the dot. Drakes come from stairs, LOS and bring them to the group. Spiders also come, Tank them and kill them...but not with your MT. your Mt has to be ready to pick yo Thorog anytime he flies away and comes back.(TO BE CONTINUED...)
FATE Kinship Suggestions:
Use a third party voice chat program. The in game does not work for everyone, it is hard to understand, and most importantly, it bugs out!
FATE uses ventrilo, and I would recommend it to other kinships. We don't let anyone raid with us who won't use it, we don't let anyone MT or MH if they don't have a MICROPHONE either.
For conjunctions use blue blue blue green green green. You never know who will be able to contribute to the conjunction right now since there is a horrid raid bug that gives people "invalid target". At least get some power back!
BRING POT(s)! We have every member bring 20 Poison and 20 Fear Draughts. We are currently implementing Salves. (Salves can be used on other people, but it DOES put your pots on cool downs) Won't hurt if ya get it off on the guy who is on cool down themselves! We also require each member brings 2 +4 hope tokens so it isn't the same people constantly bringing them. We also require 5 Pure Pots of power and morale. Lastly we ask that everyone sends their extra beryls to our jewellers in order to make us +5 hope tokens for our MT group.
Fear Restistance + Shadow Mitigation. Start stacking!
For Fear resistance max out confidence, empathy, and idealsm! 13% Alone with those traits! Our goal is to get 40% total(i know it is a lot! but if you start storing early, you can do it, i am personally already at 31%!)
Why 40%? Captains have a 50% fear resistance buff and minstrels have a 10% resistance buff. Time it right, and you will have immunity to fear!
Shadow mitigation is still being discovered.
Goodluck- Hope this helps.
post by Rdubya@
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Labels: helengrod
To start Hunters are a class that takes skill to play. You can’t just make a hunter one day and say you are a hunter. So Im writing this guide to help new hunters understand how we need to play our hunters and how to get that undefeated every one wants! =}
To start hunters are squishy. We can’t just run in and grab all the aggro you can like champs and guardians. We have to pull targets without drawing arggo from other mobs that are close.
Note: These are my own personal opinions, I am not saying that my way is the best and only way. Only that this is the way me and my friends play our hunters and it works.
So let’s start with basic pulling when soloing.
First you need to find the mob you want to kill, then you need to look around see what other mobs are around how close they are, are they aggressive, what lvl are they and if you think that you will pull them to when you fire at the other one. It will take practice before you can know if you will pull more then one when you open fire. I can’t remember how many times I died between lvl 7 and 10 just trying to figure out the arggo distance of other mobs around me. Now hopefully you won’t die the ten times I did to figure this out.
Now how do I not die tons of times before I figure this out you ask?
Start by scouting the area, the extra time this takes in the beginning is worth it. Plan how you are going to kill your opponent, what specials you are going to use in what order. You also need to plan what you are going to do if you pull more then one.
This is where traps come into play. At lvl seven you can buy the skill trap. This can determent whether you live or die in a lot of battles, when your enemy walks through the trap it will get caught allowing you to focus all your firer power on the mob that didn’t get caught. What ever you do never shoot the one in the trap if you have two or mobs on you.
An example of how traps help so much is I once took on two lvl 15 elites at lvl 17 and killed both of them because one got caught in my trap allowing me to kill the other with out taking to much damage.
At higher lvls when you have the hang of all this you won’t have to do things like scout around or plan what specials you will use in what order, by lvl 15-20 you should have a routine down that you use every time.
Fellowships are something that hunters are deadly in the only problem is that to many hunters play a fellow like their soloing.
1.If a mob gets caught in your trap when he gets out all the aggro will be on you.
2.Don’t stand to far away from the group; if you get aggro they can’t help you.
3.When you do get aggro don’t run around yelling, “Get this off me!” No one can grab the aggro if it’s running around. Stand where you are; say help or something to let the guard know that you have aggro.
4. Never use rain of arrows until the guard or champ has all the aggro; if you use it before, it will draw aggro.
5.Don’t shoot mezzed mobs. It draws the arggo on you then when the min has to heal you he draws the aggro.
6.Watch the min. If he draws too much aggro, shoot down the one with low health and auto hit the ones that the guard has been able to draw.
7. My friends have found that xbows draw too much aggro and bows, since they hit less but faster, draw less aggro. I'm not saying that you shouldn't use xbows. Its just my personal opinion.
Heres a list of wicked duos for hunters
Hunter, Hunter
This duo is awesome because your targets die 9/10 times before they reach you.
Hunter, Minstrel
Works great you can take one mobs without worry of dying. Iv takin on small fellow quest with just my min friend and did them no swet and they were one or two lvls high then me.
Hunter, Lore Master
One of my favorite ones the LM mezz the mob while you shoot down the other his pet holds the arggo of the third one.
I hope this guide will help you in your quest to become a master hunter.
post by Caelemar@
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Labels: hunter
1- Monster classes, roles and abilities
Blackarrow (Uruk) : ranged dps
Reaver (orc) : high melee dps
Stalker (warg) : scout/melee dps
Weaver (spider) : CC
Warleader (Uruk) : healer
2- Ranking
Below are the ranks with the title and the required amount of infamy points to reach them.
Rank 0 (no title) : 0
Rank 1 (Tracker) : 500
Rank 2 (Scout) : 1500
Rank 3 (Skirmisher) : 3500
Rank 4 (Fighter) : 7500
Rank 5 (Soldier) : 19500
No need to go further at the moment with actual implementation.
3- Strategies for taking the holdings
Tol Ascarnen
Isendeep Mine
Tirith Rhaw
4- General battle strategies
PvMP priority for targets
1: Minstrel, Loremaster
2: Champion, Hunter, Captain
3: Burglar, Guardian
Open to discussion, love to hear anyones input. But my reasoning for these would be...
Minstrel- The healer, 'nuff said
Loremaster- Crowd control masters. Doesn't matter how many creeps you have if they're all rooted and stunned.
Champion- Do a lot of damage, but can go down.
Hunter- Soft target, scare them enough to DF and there's one less Freep to worry about.
Captain-Not hard to take down to low health, but Last Stand saves their life more than I care to count.
Burglar-High evade, soo hard to hit and get anything to stick. Soft target as well but harder to take down than the hunter.
Guardian-Tough nut to crack, but rank 1 reaver getting his sundering blow on them makes it much easier to take down. Still more effort to take down than the 2: targets.
Troops movement and positioning
Wanted to add two small things, use things like trees, rocks or below line of below the incline of a hill for cover.
Class tactics
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Labels: Ettenmoors
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