LOTRO Warg guide
Just to start off I would like to say that I am in no way one of the best wargs out here.. I don't think of myself as that but I do think that I've been out in the moors creepside to know a little bit of what I'm doing.
Basically this is a guide more for solo wargs because that is mostly what I do myself. Along with that some of this works best for wargs r6 and above.. but a lot of it is common knowledge I would think.
To start off with your skills.
Bestial Claws: Your basic melee attack but it is kind of a big power sucker at 77 power.. it can be nice for burst DPS but should not be spammed.
Crippling Bite: Very nice skill slows targets movement by 25% for 30s and costs 50 power which isn't too bad. If you are solo'ing by a place that has a lot of NPCs or one shots where a freep can run always keep this up on them.
Sudden Pounce: As most people know a pounce out of stealth will give you a 5s stun... that's why a warg should always be in stealth. Also.. if you have crippling bite on a target and his stun immunity is down you can pounce and you have a chance to restun him for 5s. 42 power.
Savage fangs: +10% Attack Duration and -22% Block Chance for 42s.. power cost is 65. This skill can also be used with a Crippling Bite.. you have a chance to put on the debuff along with a bleed.
Throat Rip: Fairly useful skill. Nice against minstrels but they do have a skill that removes the effects. It silences the target for 10s which prevents any skills using voice. 65 power.. over all a pretty useful skill.
Eye Rake: 42 power interrupt skill.. very nice against big skills such as minstrels heals.. hunters heart seeker and other various things.
Disappear: You go into unbreakable stealth mode for 10s.. however DoTs stay on you and AoE will damage you so be careful.
Sprint: 20s of +100% run speed.. 50 power.. I find this a very useful skill for chasing freeps down on horses. Learn to time this so you get the freep at the very end of the twenty seconds so he will be as far away from any NPCs as possible.
Tendon Shred: Very nice skill.. it is pretty much a guaranteed 3s stun plus will open FM if in group.. the stun is very useful when you really need to stop somebody.
Pack Hunters: This is a r6 toggle skill that will increase the dmg dealt to your target plus you get small heals per each hit. For auto attack you get 2-3 and for bestial claws you get 13 morale. Doesn't seem like much but it adds up.
Class Traits:
Must haves are Long Strides (+5% run speed), Enhanced Skill :Stealth (+3 stealth level and +20% run speed while in stealth), Advanced Skill: Rallying Howl (if r5), Shadow Fang (sets all damage to shadow), and I prefer Advanced Skill :Spritn for five minute CD but you can switch out.
That's just the basics that most know...
The two most common warg builds are damage and morale. With the damage build you will have 4,022 morale but will take a lot of damage. Morale will get you to 5,945 but your damage drops quite a bit. I've found damage best against hunters and some champs. Really for every other class morale is helpful.. However a warg can rarely take any class that knows what they're doing except a hunter.
Mainly what I do when I fight a person that I know won't run is as follows. First off I always run with food.. or at least whenever I carry it. I also like to have the +20% run speed and +150 armour boost pots from the delving which don't take too long to get. Naturally pounce out of stealth.. then toggle your pack hunter skill. You always want to strafe around a target to be behind.. first off that will break their LoS and prevent attacks and it will also increase your damage when hitting them from behind. Cripple them.. once stun immunity is up go for the pounce if you miss it do crippling bite for the bite and debuff. Your cripple will be up by the time your stun comes back up.. then reslow and go for repounce.. if your debuffs and bleed are already in place leave the slow on as it will slow down the freeps strafing. Disappearing during a 1v1 will give you a free 5s stun which can be useful.. but it is also an escape skill if you don't care to let the freep get reknown. I tend to use tendon shred in two situations.. if the freep is almost dead and I want him stunned.. so I get the 3s or if the freep has a really good rhytm and I need to break it.. stunning them screws 'em up.
Always carry stun and root pots. If you see a freep like a burg use their long 8s stun get out of it with the pot.. they can do a lot of DPS in those seconds.. get out of roots so a hunter can't heart seeker you. LM CC is insane so pots most likely won't help in any case.
Another random tip is depending on your morale learn to use your health pot as soon as you'll get the max morale.. that way you might be able to last enough to get a second pot use off.
Well anyways hope this helped a lil bit I'll post some more class specific stuff a little later..
Post by WhiteMist@ http://forums.lotro.com
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