
Monday, September 29, 2008

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Guide inn league reputation

post by boxmodeler

This guide is intended to detail the various methods of earning reputation points with the Inn League faction. The Inn League reputation area can be found inside the Bird & Baby Inn, which can be found in Michel Delving, Shire, Eriador.
The information found heboxmodeler
re was originally discovered on the Roheryn preview server. I have since confirmed the information below is live on all servers as of 8/1/2008. As it stands now, you can only earn reputation during one of the quarterly festivals.
In order to unlock the ability to earn reputation with the Inn League, you must first complete the Inn League reputation starter quest. This quest can be found at the Party Tree just north of Hobbiton in the Shire, but must be obtained during a Festival event. You must complete this quest in order to unlock anything else listed below. This is a repeatable quest. The first time you complete it you earn 10000 rep points and the Inn League Member title. This immediately advances you from Neutral to Acquaintance, with 0/20000 points for Friend status in the Inn League faction. The second time you complete the starter quest you earn 500 rep points. The repeat of this quest appears to be on a static reset at Midnight each real world day (much like the fishing point earning cap).
There are several ways to earn reputation with the Inn League. These methods are detailed below. Without repeating the starter initiation quest, the maximum amount of reputation you can earn with the Inn League as of the Summer Festival is 14500/20000 points on the way to Friend status.

There are 4 deeds discovered so far.
Inn League Member
You must complete the Inn League Initiation quest. This is found at the party tree during a festival. The reward is 10,000 Rep Points and the title Inn League Member. It is the prerequisite to any other Inn League related quests/deeds.
Senior Inn League Member
You must assist 5 Inn League Members with their quests. The reward is 1,200 rep points and the title Senior Inn League Member
Inn League Notable
You must assist 11 Inn League Members with their quests. The reward is 1,200 rep points and the title Inn League Notable. This title replaces the Senior Inn League Member title.
Inn League Challenge
You must drink 23 unique varieties of wine/beer/ale. You will primarily find these from Tavern Keep NPCs, but you will also find a few from two Vintner NPCs. Your reward for completion is 1200 rep points and the title "Inn League Sage of Fine Spirits". The deed should activate and appear in your deed log when you complete the Inn League Initiation quest. Here are the names and locations of the unique brews:
Brockenborings (The Plough and Stars)
Wooly-Foot Stout
Stock (The Golden Perch)
Brandy Wine
Old Withywindle
Frogmorton (The Floating Log)
Toad's Tongue Ale
Bywater (The Green Dragon)
1404 Vintage reserve
Green Dragon Breath Ale
Hobbiton (The Ivy Bush)
Thistleberry Brew
Michel Delving (Bird & Baby Inn)
Blackgrove's Brown
Old Winyards
Combe (The Combe & Wattle Inn)
Beakbreaker Ale
Bree (The Prancing Pony)
Barliman's Best
Blind Troll Stout
Moor-Boar Beer
Stars of Old Cider
The Forsaken Inn
Forsaken Ale
Forsaken Cider
Rivendell (The Hall of Fire)*
Dorwinion Red
Dorwinion White
Ered Luin
Celondim (Just NE of the stable)*
Limael's Vintage
Thorin's Hall (Tavern beneath the main hall)
Bombur's beard Lager
(* indicates a Vintner NPC instead of a Tavern Keep)

You can find quest bestowers throughout Eriador that are associated with the Inn League (Inn League Member displays under their name). All of these quests seem to be fetching quests where they ask you to obtain a specific brew from a specific Inn within 1 hour. None of them seem to be repeatable. The total amount of Reputation you can earn from these 11 quests, as of the Summer Festival, is 10,900 points. Here is the info I have been able to obtain thus far.

Note: Minimum Levels are from the Lorebook quest descriptions.
Quest: All But the Cider
Location: Brockenborings, The Shire
Bestower: Foxglove Grubb
Detail: Just down the hill from the Inn there is an Inn League Member seeking the Stars of Old cider from the Prancing Pony.
Min Level: 11
Rep Reward: 500

Quest: A Bit of Brown
Location: Oatbarton, Evendim
Bestower: Harigar Mudbottom
Detail: Just north of the stables. He wants Blagrove's Brown from the Bird & Baby Inn.
Min Level: 20
Rep Reward: 300

Quest: One Drink Too Many
Location: Thrasi's Lodge, Ered Luin
Quest Giver: Alrek
Detail: This is the hunter lodge SE of Gondamon and NW of Duillond. He is seeking a Forsaken Ale from the Forsaken Inn.
Min Level: 11
Rep Reward: 1200

Quest: A Reminder of Rivendell
Location: Refuge of Edhelion, Ered Luin
Quest Giver: Lendasil
Detail: Lendasil can be found at the top of the stairs where the building colapses in the beginning of the Elf starter quest. She is seeking Dorwinion White from The Last Homely House
Min Level: 25
Rep Reward: 1200

Quest: A Member in Need
Location: Othrikar, North Downs
Quest Giver: Muli
Detail: He wants Bombur's Beard Lager from Thorin's Hall
Min Level: 29
Rep Reward: 1200

Quest: A Drink of the Worst Character
Location: Aughaire, Angmar
Quest Giver: Nathalan
Detail: Collect a mug of Swill from the Forsaken Inn
Min Level: 34
Rep Reward: 1200

Quest: A Dark Day
Location: Zigilgund, Forochel
Quest Giver: Lofi
Detail: Collect a mug of Moor-boar Beer from the Prancing Pony
Min Level: 38
Rep Reward: 1200

Quest: Never Far From Home
Location: Thornley's Work Site, Bree-land
Bestower: Wesley Hopwood
Detail: There is an Inn League Member seeking the Limael's Vintage from Celondim.
Min Level: 11
Rep reward: 500

Quest: A Simple Wine
Location: Echad_Candelleth, Trollshaws
Bestower: Saerthuithel
Detail: There is an Inn League Member seeking Brandy Wine from the Golden Perch in the Shire.
Min Level: 34
Rep reward: 1200

Quest: Atli's Favourite
Location: Hrimbarg, Misty Mountains
Bestower: Oli
Detail: Oli is seeking Beakbreaker Ale from the Combe & Wattle Inn in Bree-Land
Min Level: 38
Rep Reward: 1200

Quest: Quite a Pickle
Location: Ost_Haer, Lone Lands
Bestower: Wald Mugwort
Detail: Wald wants Thistlebelly Brew from the Ivy Bush in Hobbiton
Min Level: 15
Rep Reward: 1200

Quests by Location

Ered Luin
One Drink Too Many
A Reminder of Rivendell
All But the Cider
Quest:Never Far From Home
Lone Lands
Quite a Pickle
A Simple Wine
Misty Mountains
Atli's Favourite
A Bit of Brown
A Dark Day
North Downs
A Member in Need
A Drink of the Worst Character
Quest Drinks by Inn/Tavern/Vintner

To make the questing easier, it would make sense to purchase the brews you will need for the quests ahead of time; say, while you're completing your deed.
Here is the list of brews/ales/wines/ciders/etc. you'll want to have on hand when you do your questing. As more quests are discovered I will add to this list as well.
(Remember, if you're doing your deed at the same time, you'll need to purchase the following items twice so you can drink one and save one.)

Prancing Pony (Bree)
Moor-boar Beer
Stars of Old
Combe & Wattle Inn (Combe)
Beakbreaker Ale
Thorin's Hall Inn (Thorin's Hall)
Bombur's Beard Lager
Vintner in Celondim
Limael's Vintage
Bird & Baby Inn (Michel Delving)
Blagrove's Brown
Ivy Bush (Hobbiton)
Thistlebelly Brew
Golden Perch (Stock)
Brandy Wine
Forsaken Inn (Lone Lands)
Forsaken Ale
The Last Homely House (Rivendell)
Dorwinion White
Dorwinion Red - (This is not needed for any of the Quests that you have listed - Adder)
The Inn League Room

The Inn League Room, which is found in the Bird & Baby Inn, in Michel Delving, can be accessed once you have reached friend status with the Inn League.
There are several interesting decorations in this room that make it a treat to see. There appear to be normal NPC's in this room as well as seasonal NPC's
Year-Round NPC's
Ivy Tunnelly, Inn League Barmaid
Cherry-Blossom Wine - 48c
Fern Beer - 48c
Fern Beer - 48c
Flagon of Red Wine - 48c
Flagon of White Wine - 48c
Frothy Pint of Ale - 48c
Gunderic's Ale - 48c
Hard Cider - 48c
Mead - 48c
Mid-Day's Cider - 48c
Pear-Blossom Wine - 48c
Perry's Porter - 48c
Perry's Porter - 48c
Rootknot's Cider - 48c
Small Beer - 48c
Spring Ale - 48c
Willow Wine - 48c
Willow Wine - 48c
Bob Burrows
Aytrop Bolger
Shallot Goodbody
Mary Hornblower
Hasculf Took
Pink Tunnelly
Posey Chubb
Seasonal NPC's
Frago Sandheaver, Inn League Trader
Barter: Ancient Tome (10 Summer Festival Tokens) - Consumed on use. Grants the /dance_jig emote. This item is not bound.
Alric Banks, Inn League Taxidermist
Barter: Black Bear with League Hat (1 Undamaged Black-Bear Corpse, 8 Summer Festival Tokens). This item is not bound.
Barter: Brown Bear with Pie and Mug (1 Undamaged Brown-Bear Corpse, 8 Summer Festival Tokens). This item is not bound.
Barter: Frost-Antler Head with Pipe (1 Undamaged Frost-Antler Head, 8 Summer Festival Tokens). This item is not bound.
Barter: White Wolf with Mug (1 Undamaged White-Wolf Corpse, 8 Summer Festival Tokens). This item is not bound.
Barter: Black Bear with League Hat (1 Undamaged Black-Bear Corpse, 8 Fall Festival Tokens). This item is not bound.
Barter: Brown Bear with Pie and Mug (1 Undamaged Brown-Bear Corpse, 8 Fall Festival Tokens). This item is not bound.
Barter: Frost-Antler Head with Pipe (1 Undamaged Frost-Antler Head, 8 Fall Festival Tokens). This item is not bound.
Barter: White Wolf with Mug (1 Undamaged White-Wolf Corpse, 8 Fall Festival Tokens). This item is not bound.
Item Gathering

Undamaged Corpse Locations
Undamaged Black-Bear Corpse
Old Forest
Withywindle (34.4S 60.1W)
Undamaged Brown-Bear Corpse
North Downs
Fields of Fornost (Eastern half)
Annundir (Primarily near the Spine)
Kingsfell (West and Northwest of Esteldin)
Undamaged Frost-Antler Head
Taur Orthon
Cirith Rhiw (Cluster of about 6 of them on the way to Forochel)
Undamaged White-Wolf Corpse
Misty Mountains
Southern High Pass

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Cooks Guide 2

The Cook's Shopping Guide

NPC Key: Expert Cook[E] Grocer[G] Novice Cook[N] Supplier[S]

4 copper Ingredients:


24 copper Ingredients:

[E][G][N][S]Fresh Butter
[E][G][N][S]Chicken Egg
[E][G][N][S]Coarse Flour
[E][G][N][S]Pork Shank
[E]---[N]---Ale Yeast
[E]---[N]---Lager Yeast
---[G]---[S]Common Mushroom
---[G]---[S]Fresh Carrot
---[G]---[S]Yellow Onion
[E]---------Fine Clover Honey
[E]---------Golden Shire Taters

60 copper Ingredients:

[E]---[N]---Clay Pot

------[N]---Raw Pork Sausage
------[N]---Shire Seasonings
------[N]---Vegetable Oil

1.20 silver Ingredients:

------[N]---Uncooked Bacon
------[N]---Lamb Bones
------[N]---Cut of Beef
------[N]---Uncooked Pork Chops
------[N]---Lamb Kidney
------[N]---Bag of Salt

2.40 silver Ingredients:

[E]---------Shire Apple
[E]---------Fine Seasonings
[E]---------Sharp Cheese
[E]---------Uncooked Chicken

3.56 silver Ingredients:

[E]---------Blessed Elf-flour
[E]---------Savoury Seasonings
[E]---------Fresh Cream

*Note prices exclude crops while I work out the cost per item.(uncalculated ingredients are in brackets)


Apprentice's Ale = .32c (4 spring barley, 4 north downs hops)
Bold Stout = 32c (4 spring barley, 4 north downs hops)
Prepared North Downs Hops = 4c (4 north downs hops)
Spring Barley Mash = 4c (4 spring barley)

Cooked Food:
Hard Biscuits = .72c
Mushroom Pie = 1.20
Roast Pork = 72c

Lute Strings of Minor Subtlety = 1.24 (1 blackened boar intestine)

Pie Crust = 72c

Trail Food:
Cooked Carrots = 52c
Eggs & Onions = 72c
Fried Mushrooms = 72c


Blue Bock = 24c (4 spring barley, 4 golding hops, 2 blueberries)
Blueberry Ale = 24c (4 spring barley, 4 golding hops, 2 blueberries)
Prepared Golden Hops = 4c (4 golding Hops)

Cooked Food:
Blueberry Muffins = 72c (1 blueberry)
Coney Pie = 3.12 (2 taters)
*Hornblower's Pie = 72c (1 blueberry)
Stuffed Cabbage = 72c (1 cabbage)

Marinated Coney = 1.80
Spiced Potatoes = 60c (2 taters)

Pet Food:
Pot of Crude Honey & Oats = 1.32 (3 oats)

Trail Food:
Complete Hobbit Breakfast = 2.28
Coney Stew = 2.92 (2 taters)
Pork sausage = 1.80


Honeybrew = 1.00 (4 spring barley, 4 pride of chetwood hops)
Prepared Pride of Chetwood Hops = 4c (4 pride of chetwood hops)
Shire Spice Ale = 92c (4 spring barley, 4 pride of chetwood hops)

Cooked Food:
Beef Stew = 3.24 (1 tater, 1 green onion)
Hard Tack Rations = 1.68 (1 tater)
Steak & Kidney Pie = 3.12 (1 green onion)

Hearty Stock = 2.04
Marinated Beef = 2.40 (1 green onion)

Trail Food:
Delicious Crispy Bacon = 2.64
Pork Chops = 3.00
Vegetable Medley = 1.08 (1 green onion, 1 cauliflower)


Prepared Green Hill Hops = 4c (5 green hill hops)
Strawberry Stout = 32c (4 spring barley, 5 green hill hops, 2 strawberries)
Winter Barley Mash = 4c (5 winter barley)
Winterberry Ale = 32c (4 spring barley, 5 green hill hops, 2 raspberries)

Cooked Food:
Shire Rations = 16.56
Spiced Apple Pie = 8.16
Stew of Kings = 6.64 (1 green onion, 1 tater)

Apple Pie Filling = 7.44
Marinated Chicken Cutlets = 4.20

Trail Food:
Hobbiton Omelette = 3.84 (1 green onion)
Roasted Chicken = 6.00
Salted Beef Delights = 6.00


Blackberry Ale = 4c (6 umbel hops)
Prepared Umbel Hops = 32c (5 winter barley, 6 umbel hops, 2 blackberries)
Ultimate Honeybrew = 1.04 (5 winter barley, 6 umbel hops)

Cooked Food:
Lembas = 10.92
Perfect Pie = 96c (1 strawberry, 1 blueberry, 1 blackberry, 1 raspberry)
Ultimate Carrot Cake = 7.40

Berry Pie filling = 24c (1 strawberry, 1 blueberry, 1 blackberry, 1 raspberry)
Tasty Frosting = 3.12

Trail Food:
Delicious Steak = 8.40
Feast of Rohan = 13.32 (1 green onion, 1 tater)
Masterful Mash = 4.76

All costs are in silvers, unless stated otherwise.

Brewing: 6 XP
Cooked Food: 8 XP
Ingredients: 6 XP
Trail Food: 8 XP

Trail food - 20 min Stat buffs

APPRENTICE - no level requirement to consume//Criticals give +6 each

Cooked Carrots: 1 Vitality
Eggs & Onions: 1 Might
Fried Mushrooms: 1 Agility

JOURNEYMAN - Level 10//Criticals give +14 each

Complete Hobbit Breakfast: 6 Vitality
Coney Stew: 6 Might
Pork Sausage: 6 Agility

EXPERT - Level 20//Criticals give +23 each

Delicious Crispy Bacon: 12 Agility
Pork Chops: 12 Might
Vegetable Medley: 12 Vitality

ARTISAN - Level 30//Criticals give +32 each

Hobbiton Omelette: 18 Might
Roasted Chicken: 18 Vitality
Salted Beef Delights: 18 Agility

MASTER - Level 40//Criticals give +41 each

Delicious Steak: 24 Agility
Feast of Rohan: 24 Might
Masterful Mash: 24 Vitality


Hard Biscuits;
RESTORES 18 power every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 25
HEALS 16 damage every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 27
Adds 3.2 to MORALE Regeneration in non-combat
Adds 4.3 to POWER Regeneration in non-combat

Mushroom Pie;
HEALS 16 damage every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 27
Adds 4.9 to MORALE Regeneration in non-combat
Adds 5.5 to POWER Regeneration in non-combat

Roast Pork;
RESTORES 18 power every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 25
Adds 4.9 to MORALE Regeneration in non-combat
Adds 5.5 to POWER Regeneration in non-combat


Blueberry Muffins;
HEALS 41 damage every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 58
Adds 20.7 to MORALE Regeneration in non-combat
Adds 22.3 to POWER Regeneration in non-combat

Coney Pie;
RESTORES 35 power every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 48
HEALS 41 damage every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 58
Adds 8.1 to MORALE Regeneration in non-combat
Adds 9.9 to POWER Regeneration in non-combat

*Hornblower's Pie;
RESTORES 35 Power every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds (states this twice)//crit: 48
Adds 11.4 to MORAL Regeneration in non-combat
Adds 12.4 to POWER Regeneration in non-combat

Stuffed Cabbage;
HEALS 20 damage every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds (states this twice)//crit: 48
Adds 13.5 to MORALE Regeneration in non-combat
Adds 15.8 to POWER Regeneration in non-combat


Beef Stew;
RESTORES 35 power every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 73
Adds 20.7 to MORALE Regeneration in non-combat
Adds 22.3 to POWER Regeneration in non-combat

Hard Tack Ration;
HEALS 76 damage every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 93
Adds 20.7 to MORALE Regeneration in non-combat
Adds 22.3 to POWER Regeneration in non-combat

Steak and Kidney Pie;
RESTORES 35 power every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 73
HEALS 76 damage every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 93
Adds 15.1 to MORALE Regeneration in non-combat
Adds 18.3 to POWER Regeneration in non-combat


Shire Rations;
RESTORES 85 power every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 98
HEALS 111 damage every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 128
Adds 22.1 to MORALE Regeneration in non-combat
Adds 26.3 to POWER Regeneration in non-combat

Spiced Apple Pie;
HEALS 111 damage every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 128
Adds 30.1 to MORALE Regeneration in non-combat
Adds 32.0 to POWER Regeneration in non-combat

Stew of Kings;
RESTORES 85 power every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 98
Adds 30.1 to MORALE Regeneration in non-combat
Adds 32.0 to POWER Regeneration in non-combat


RESTORES 110 power every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 123
HEALS 146 damage every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 163
Adds 29.1 to MORALE Regeneration in non-combat
Adds 39.7 to POWER Regeneration in non-combat

Perfect Pie;
HEALS 146 damage every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 163
Adds 39.4 to MORALE Regeneration in non-combat
Adds 42.0 to POWER Regeneration in non-combat

Ultimate Carrot Cake;
RESTORES 110 power every 30 seconds, for 300 seconds//crit: 123
Adds 39.4 to MORALE Regeneration in non-combat
Adds 42.0 to POWER Regeneration in non-combat

Notes: Although most tiers have 1 Heal-over-Time, 1 Restores-over-Time, and one with both, Tier 2 doesn't. Stuffed Cabbages breaks the pattern, possibly a typo, it repeats the Heals line. Also like the other Heals & Restores food, the heal amount is lower.

*Quest reward for delivering Pies in the Shire

Kudos to Aranius for adding the Criticals information, and also the quest reward recipe info for Hornblower's Pie.
Post by Nanain

The Scholars Guide has been Updated!

The Scholars Guide has been Updated! (August 21, 2008)

The Scholar: "Perhaps the most mysterious of the professions, the Scholar collects fragments of lost lore, and attempts to interpret their secrets. In doing so, he can produce scrolls that other craftsmen can read to improve their chances of producing a superior product. They can craft Mysterious Tomes that assist Loremasters. They can create scrolls that can buff your fellowship. And finally, they can make potions that allow you to heal while in combat."The following Guide is a compilation of my time as a Grand Master Scholar, as well as the contributions of fellow LOTRO community members. It is updated frequently. Enjoy.

How do I advance from Apprentice Scholar to higher Levels?
Once you fill in your initial Apprentice experience bar, you will need to talk to any 'Novice Scholar' (Trainer). They will give you a quest to advance. You can find these trainers in most large cities, such as Bree. Once you hit Artisan, you will need to speak to the Expert Scholar in Rivendell.

What is the "Mastery Item"? Each rank of crafting has two levels. You must first grind crafting experience to gain proficiency in that level. Then you grind an additional level to gain full Mastery of it. Once you hit Master of that Rank, you will open up new crafting options. You will then have a small chance (normally 5-10%) of crafting this 'Mastery Version'. However, if you provide the Mastery item listed, you will generally gain a +44% bonus chance of actually crafting it. These percentages will stack with the particular Scholar tool you are using, which Metalsmiths can craft. These tools range from +1% to +20% bonuses. Below is a list of tools. Also, you will notice the Crafting Scrolls we craft. These stack with all the other percentages.

How do Dyes work?
Simple. A Dye potion is usable by anyone. It's a consumable of sorts. You simply obtain the Dye of your choice, either from a scholar crafting one, or purchasing one from the Auction House. You double-click the Dye, then click the piece of armor or clothing you wish to color. They are one time use only. Once you've dyed a piece, you cannot remove that color dye, but you can redye it another color.

How long do Crafting Scrolls last?
I believe crafting scrolls last for 60 seconds.

Where can I find Scholar Nodes?
The last section of this guide contains a list of known locations, contributed by various members.

Where can I find the Quest Items?
In the last section of the guide, there is a list of all quest items, with their Locations. Type ;loc to see your current location.


Scholar Materials
  • [Aged Scraps of Text]
  • [Early Third Age Relic]
  • [Worn Tablet Fragment]
  • [Cryptic Texts]
  • [Graven Ruins]
  • [Ruined Second Age Trinket]
  • [Faded Sindarin Passages]
  • [Torn Craftsman Diary]
  • [Cracked Dwarf-Carving]
  • [Fragments of Dunedain Script]
  • [Relics of Lothlorien]
  • [Ruined Soldier's Records]
  • [Long-Lost Second Age Texts]
  • [Undeciphered Moon-Letters]
  • [Elf Captain's Notes]
Plants - Anyone can harvest these. Random spawns on the ground.
  • [Yarrow Root] - Ered Luin, Bree-Lands, Shire
  • [Woad Plant] - Lone Lands, North Downs
  • [Indigo Plant] - Trollshaws, Celondim & Duillond in Ered Luin
  • [Onion Skins] - Farming, Green Onion Fields
  • [Juicy Blackberries] - Farming, Blackberry fields
Dye Materials
  • [Sienna] - Tin Ore Deposits
  • [Copper Salts] - Copper Ore Deposits
  • [Umber] - Barrow Iron Ore Deposits
  • [Ancient Iron Oxides] - Ancient Iron Ore Deposits
Mastery Items
  • [Red Eye]
  • [Grey Eye]
  • [Dark Eye]
  • [Clouded Eye]
  • [Huge Worm Eye] - Worms in Northern Trollshaws, Angmar Swamp, and Misty Mountains.
  • [Huge Spider Eye] - East Angmar
  • [Scarred Worm Eye] - North Downs, Drake area.
  • [Scarred Spider Eye] - Trollshaws, Spider area.
  • [Dirty Spider Eye] - East Angmar
  • [Dirty Toad Eye] - Toads in Buckland (South Eastern part of town near the Old Forest entrance)
  • [Dirty Neekerbreaker Eye] - Neekerbreeker's in Bree-land
  • [Blackened Spider Eye] - The Shire, Spider area.
  • [Blackened Crawler Egg Sac] - Crawlers in North Eastern Ered Luin & Barrow Downs
  • [Flawed Huorn Heartwood] - Trees in Lone-Lands
  • [Flawed Spider Eye] - Lone-Lands, Goblin area.
  • [Flawed Warg Ear] - Wargs in Eastern North Downs
Additional Info

Crafting Station and Trainers
  • Expert Scholar Trainer - Rivendell, Last Homely House, Library, top floor.
  • Superior Study - Rivendell, Last Homely House, Library.
  • Superior Study - Michael Delving, inside Mathom Society. Requires Friendly status.
Work Order Location
  • Scholar's Enclave, Duillond.

The following is a list of all current scholar recipes, and what they require: (Under Construction)

Color Code: [Common] [Uncommon] [Rare] [Incomparable] [Legendary]

Apprentice Level
Points Needed: 200
Proficiency, 400 Mastery

Battle Lore:
[Scroll of Minor Battle Lore] 8 Points
Description: Grants your fellowship a minor increase to combat offense. Level 7. 20 minute Cooldown.
*[2 Aged Scraps of Text]
*[1 Early Third Age Relic]
*[1 Worn Tablet Fragment]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Clouded Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Minor Warding Lore] 8 Points
Description: Grants your fellowship a minor increase to combat defense. Level 7. 20 minute Cooldown.
*[2 Aged Scraps of Text]
*[1 Early Third Age Relic]
*[1 Worn Tablet Fragment]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 CloudedEye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Lesser Celebrant Salve] 8 Points
Description: Adds 120-140 Power.
*[1 Early Third Age Relic]
*[1 Vial of Lesser Celebrant Water]
*[1 Small Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Clouded Eye] =
[Lesser Celebrant Oinment] - Description: Adds 220-260 Power.

[Lesser Essence of Athelas] 8 Points
Description: Adds 120-140 Moral.
*[1 Early Third Age Relic]
*[1 Small Glass Phial]
*[1 Bundle of Lesser Athelas Leaves]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Clouded Eye] =
[Lesser Athelas Extract] - Description: Adds 220-260 Moral.

Crafting Lore
[Scroll of Minor Metalworking Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 3.5% to critical chance add modifier. Level 7.
*[2 Aged Scraps of Text]
*[1 Early Third Age Relic]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Clouded Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Minor Tailoring Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 3.5% to critical chance add modifier. Level 7.
*[2 Aged Scraps of Text]
*[1 Early Third Age Relic]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Clouded Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Minor Weaponsmithing Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 3.5% to critical chance add modifier. Level 7.
*[2 Aged Scraps of Text]
*[1 Early Third Age Relic]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Clouded Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Minor Woodworking Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 3.5% to critical chance add modifier. Level 7.
*[2 Aged Scraps of Text]
*[1 Early Third Age Relic]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Clouded Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Minor Cooking Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 3.5% to critical chance add modifier. Level 7.
*[2 Aged Scraps of Text]
*[1 Early Third Age Relic]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Clouded Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Minor Jeweler Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 3.5% to critical chance add modifier. Level 7.
*[2 Aged Scraps of Text]
*[1 Early Third Age Relic]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Clouded Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Minor Scholar Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 3.5% to critical chance add modifier. Level 7.
*[2 Aged Scraps of Text]
*[1 Early Third Age Relic]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Clouded Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Gold Dye] 6 Points Bright Yellow Dye.
Description: A phial of gold dye for clothing or armor.
*[1 Yarrow Root]
*[1 Chalk]
*[1 Water]
*[1 Small Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Clouded Eye] = 3 Dyes.

[Sienna Dye] 6 Points Adobe Orange Dye.
Description: A phial of sienna dye for clothing or armor.
*[1 Sienna]
*[1 Dye Salts]
*[1 Water]
*[1 Small Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Clouded Eye] = 3 Dyes.

Wall Paints
[Pea-Green Wall Paint] 6 Points
Description: A phial of Pea-Green paint for your home.
*[1 Lilly-Of-The-Valley Leaf]
*[1 Chalk]
*[1 Water]
*[1 Small Glass Phial]

Journeyman Level
Points Needed: 280 Proficiency, 560 Mastery

[Minor Book of Beasts] 8 Points
Description: Subtracts 2% from Loremaster Sign of the Wild power cost. Level 20.
[2 Cryptic Text]
*[1 Ruined Second Age Trinket]

*[1 Hand-Bound Journal]
*[1 Quill and Ink Set]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Dark Eye] =
Mastery Version: [Minor Book of Beasts]
Description: Subtracts 3% from Loremaster Sign of the Wild power cost. Level 20.

[Minor Book of Nature] 8 Points
Description: Subtracts 2% from Loremaster Lore power cost. Level 20.
[2 Cryptic Text]
*[1 Ruined Second Age Trinket]

*[1 Hand-Bound Journal]
*[1 Quill and Ink Set]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Dark Eye] =
Mastery Version: [Minor Book of Nature]
Description: Subtracts 3% from Loremaster Lore power cost. Level 20.

[Minor Book of the Dunedain] 8 Points
Description: Subtracts 2% from Loremaster Sign of Power cost. Level 20.
[2 Cryptic Text]
*[1 Ruined Second Age Trinket]

*[1 Hand-Bound Journal]
*[1 Quill and Ink Set]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Dark Eye] =
Mastery Version: [Minor Book of the Dunedain]
Description: Subtracts 3% from Loremaster Sign Power cost. Level 20.

[Celebrant Salve] 8 Points
Description: Adds 220-240 Power. Level 15.
*[1 Ruined Third Age Trinket]
Vial of Celebrant Water
*[1 Small Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Dark Eye] =
[Celebrant Oinment] - Description: Adds 320-360 Power. Level 15.

[Essence of Athelas] 8 Points
Description: Adds 220-240 Moral. Level 15.
*[1 Ruined Third Age Trinket]
*[1 Bundle of Athelas Leaves]
*[1 Small Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Dark Eye] =
[Athelas Extract] - Description: Adds 320-360 Moral. Level 15.

[4 Fire-Oil] 8 Points
Description: Changes arrow damage from Common to Fire, for a short period of time. Hunter Only. Level 20. 1 min cooldown.
[2 Cryptic Text]
*[1 Small Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Dark Eye] = [7 Fire-Oil]

Crafting Lore
[Scroll of Lesser Metalworking Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 6.5% to critical chance add modifier. Level 13.
[2 Cryptic Text]
*[1 Ruined Second Age Trinket]

Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Dark Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Lesser Tailoring Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 5.5% to critical chance add modifier. Level 13.
[2 Cryptic Text]
*[1 Ruined Second Age Trinket]

Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Dark Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Lesser Weaponsmithing Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 6.5% to critical chance add modifier. Level 13.
[2 Cryptic Text]
*[1 Ruined Second Age Trinket]

Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Dark Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Lesser Woodworking Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 6.5% to critical chance add modifier. Level 13.
[2 Cryptic Text]
*[1 Ruined Second Age Trinket]

Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Dark Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Lesser Jeweler Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 6.5% to critical chance add modifier. Level 13.
[2 Cryptic Text]
*[1 Ruined Second Age Trinket]

Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Dark Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Lesser Cooking Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 6.5% to critical chance add modifier. Level 13.
[2 Cryptic Text]
*[1 Ruined Second Age Trinket]

Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Dark Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Lesser Scholar Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 6.5% to critical chance add modifier. Level 13.
[2 Cryptic Text]
*[1 Ruined Second Age Trinket]

Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Dark Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Olive Dye] 6 Points Olive, Army Green Dye.
Description: A phial of Olive dye for clothing or armor.
[1 Copper Salt]
*[1 Dye Salts]
*[1 Water]
*[1 Small Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Dark Eye] = 3 Dyes.

[Umber Dye] 6 Points Leather Brown Dye.
Description: A phial of Umber dye for clothing or armor.
[1 Umber]
*[1 Dye Salts]
*[1 Water]
*[1 Small Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Dark Eye] = 3 Dyes.

Expert Level
Points Needed: 360 Proficiency, 720 Mastery

Battle Lore
[Scroll of Battle Lore] 8 Points
Description: Grants your fellowship an increase to combat offense. (+5% Defense) Level 24.
[2 Faded Sindarin Passages]
*[1 Torn Craftsman Diary]
*[1 Cracked Dwarf-Carving]

Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Huron Heartwood] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Warding Lore] 8 Points
Description: Grants your fellowship an increase to combat defense. (+5% Offense) Level 24.
[2 Faded Sindarin Passages]
*[1 Torn Craftsman Diary]
*[1 Cracked Dwarf-Carving]

Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Huron Heartwood] = 3 Scrolls.

[Book of Beasts] 8 Points
Description: Subtracts 4% from Loremaster Sign of the Wild power cost. Level 30.
[2 Faded Sindarin Passages]
*[1 Torn Craftsman Diary]

*[1 Cloth-Bound Journal]
*[1 Quill and Ink Set]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Warg Ear] =
Mastery Version: [Book of Beasts]
Description: Subtracts 6% from Loremaster Sign of the Wild power cost. Level 30.

[Book of Nature] 8 Points
Description: Subtracts 4% from Loremaster Lore power cost. Level 30.
[2 Faded Sindarin Passages]
*[1 Torn Craftsman Diary]

*[1 Cloth-Bound Journal]
*[1 Quill and Ink Set]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Warg Ear] =
Mastery Version: [Book of Nature]
Description: Subtracts 6% from Loremaster Lore power cost. Level 30.

[Book of the Dunedain] 8 Points
Description: Subtracts 4% from Loremaster Sign of Power cost. Level 30.
[2 Faded Sindarin Passages]
*[1 Torn Craftsman Diary]

*[1 Cloth-Bound Journal]
*[1 Quill and Ink Set]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Warg Ear] =
Mastery Version: [Book of the Dunedain]
Description: Subtracts 6% from Loremaster Sign Power cost. Level 30.

[Greater Celebrant Salve] 8 Points
Description: Adds 320-340 Power. Level 25.
*[2 Cracked Dwarf-Carving]
*[1 Vial of Greater Celebrant Water]
*[1 Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Spider Eye] =
[Greater Celebrant Ointment] - Description: Adds 420-460 Power. Level 25.

[Greater Essence of Athelas] 8 Points
Description: Adds 320-340 Moral. Level 25.
*[2 Cracked Dwarf-Carving]
*[1 Bundle of Greater Athelas Leaves]
*[1 Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Spider Eye] =
[Greater Athelas Extract] - Description: Adds 420-460 Moral. Level 25.

[4 Light-Oil] 8 Points
Description: Changes arrow damage from Common to Light, for a short period of time. Hunter Only. Level 30. 5 min cooldown.
[1 Faded Sindarin Passages]
*[1 Torn Craftsman Diary]

*[1 Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Spider Eye] = [7 Light-Oil]

Crafting Lore
[Scroll of Metalworking Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 12% to critical chance add modifier. Level 24.
[2 Faded Sindarin Passages]
*[1 Torn Craftsman Diary]

Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Warg Ear] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Tailoring Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 12% to critical chance add modifier. Level 24.
[2 Faded Sindarin Passages]
*[1 Torn Craftsman Diary]

Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Warg Ear] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Weaponsmithing Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 12% to critical chance add modifier. Level 24.
[2 Faded Sindarin Passages]
*[1 Torn Craftsman Diary]

Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Warg Ear] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Woodworking Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 12% to critical chance add modifier. Level 24.
[2 Faded Sindarin Passages]
*[1 Torn Craftsman Diary]

Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Warg Ear] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Jeweler Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 12% to critical chance add modifier. Level 24.
[2 Faded Sindarin Passages]
*[1 Torn Craftsman Diary]

Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Warg Ear] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Cooking Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 12% to critical chance add modifier. Level 24.
[2 Faded Sindarin Passages]
*[1 Torn Craftsman Diary]

Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Warg Ear] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Scholar Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 12% to critical chance add modifier. Level 24.
[2 Faded Sindarin Passages]
*[1 Torn Craftsman Diary]

Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Warg Ear] = 3 Scrolls.

[Navy Dye] 6 Points Bright Blue Dye.
Description: A phial of Navy dye for clothing or armor.
[1 Woad Plant]
*[1 Chalk]
*[1 Water]
*[1 Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Huge Worm Eye] = 3 Dyes.

[Violet Dye] 6 Points Bright, Pinkish-Purple Dye.
Description: A phial of Violet dye for clothing or armor.
[1 Juicy Blackberries]
*[1 Chalk]
*[1 Water]
*[1 Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Huge Worm Eye] = 3 Dyes.

Bow Chants
[4 Bow Chant: Foe-Finder] 6 Points
Description: -5% Ranged Skill Evade Chance Modifier. Level 25, Hunter.
[1 Faded Sindarin Passages]
*[1 Torn Craftsman Diary]
*[1 Quill and Ink Set]
*Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Warg Ear] = 7 Scrolls.

[4 Bow Chant: Shield-Bane] 6 Points
Description: -5% Ranged Skill Block Chance Modifier. Level 25, Hunter.
[1 Faded Sindarin Passages]
*[1 Torn Craftsman Diary]
*[1 Quill and Ink Set]
*Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Warg Ear] = 7 Scrolls.

Wall Paints
[Sky-Blue Wall Paint] 6 Points
Description: A phial of Sky-Blue paint for your home.
*[1 Bluebottle Petal]
*[1 Chalk]
*[1 Water]
*[1 Small Glass Phial]

Artisan Level
Points Needed: 440 Proficiency, 880 Mastery

[Major Book of Beasts] 8 Points
Description: Subtracts 6% from Loremaster Sign of the Wild power cost. Level 40.
*[2 Fragments of Dunedain Script]
*[1 Relics of Lothlorien]
*[1 Leather-Bound Journal]
*[1 Quill and Ink Set]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Warg Ear] =
Mastery Version: [Major Book of Beasts]
Description: Subtracts 8% from Loremaster Sign of the Wild power cost. Level 40.

[Major Book of Nature] 8 Points
Description: Subtracts 6% from Loremaster Lore power cost. Level 40.
*[2 Fragments of Dunedain Script]
*[1 Relics of Lothlorien]
*[1 Leather-Bound Journal]
*[1 Quill and Ink Set]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Warg Ear] =
Mastery Version: [Major Book of Nature]
Description: Subtracts 8% from Loremaster Lore power cost. Level 40.

[Major Book of the Dunedain] 8 Points
Description: Subtracts 6% from Loremaster Sign of Power cost. Level 40.
*[2 Fragments of Dunedain Script]
*[1 Relics of Lothlorien]
*[1 Leather-Bound Journal]
*[1 Quill and Ink Set]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Flawed Warg Ear] =
Mastery Version: [Major Book of the Dunedain]
Description: Subtracts 8% from Loremaster Sign Power cost. Level 40.

[Refined Celebrant Salve] 8 Points
Description: Adds 420-440 Power. Level 35.
*[1 Relics of Lothlorien]
*[1 Vial of Refined Celebrant Water]
*[1 Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Scarred Spider Eye] =
[Refined Celebrant Ointment] - Description: Adds 520-560 Power. Level 35.

[Refined Essence of Athelas] 8 Points
Description: Adds 420-440 Moral. Level 35.
*[1 Relics of Lothlorien]
*[1 Bundle of Refined Athelas Leaves]
*[1 Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Scarred Spider Eye] =
[Refined Athelas Extract] - Description: Adds 520-560 Moral. Level 35.

[4 Refined Fire-Oil] 8 Points
Description: Changes arrow damage from Common to Fire, for a moderate period of time. Hunter Only. Level 20. 5 min cooldown.
*[1 Fragments of Dunedain Script]
*[1 Relics of Lothlorien]
*[1 Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Scarred Spider Eye] = [7 Refined Fire-Oil]

Crafting Lore
[Scroll of Elder Metalworking Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 15% to critical chance add modifier. Level 30.
*[2 Fragments of Dunedain Script]
*[1 Relics of Lothlorien]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Scarred Worm Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Elder Tailoring Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 15% to critical chance add modifier. Level 30.
*[2 Fragments of Dunedain Script]
*[1 Relics of Lothlorien]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Scarred Worm Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Elder Weaponsmithing Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 15% to critical chance add modifier. Level 30.
*[2 Fragments of Dunedain Script]
*[1 Relics of Lothlorien]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Scarred Worm Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Elder Woodworking Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 15% to critical chance add modifier. Level 30.
*[2 Fragments of Dunedain Script]
*[1 Relics of Lothlorien]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Scarred Worm Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Elder Jeweler Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 15% to critical chance add modifier. Level 30.
*[2 Fragments of Dunedain Script]
*[1 Relics of Lothlorien]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Scarred Worm Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Elder Cooking Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 15% to critical chance add modifier. Level 30.
*[2 Fragments of Dunedain Script]
*[1 Relics of Lothlorien]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Scarred Worm Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Elder Scholar Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 15% to critical chance add modifier. Level 30.
*[2 Fragments of Dunedain Script]
*[1 Relics of Lothlorien]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Scarred Worm Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Indigo Dye] 6 Points Dark Purple Dye.
Description: A phial of Indigo dye for clothing or armor.
[1 Indigo Plant]
*[1 Chalk]
*[1 Water]
*[1 Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Huge Worm Eye] = 3 Dyes.

[Dark Green Dye] 6 Points Bright Green Dye.
Description: A phial of Green dye for clothing or armor.
[1 Onion Skin]
*[1 Chalk]
*[1 Water]
*[1 Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Huge Worm Eye] = 3 Dyes.

[Burgundy Dye] 6 Points
Description: A phial of burgundy dye for clothing or armor.
[1 Amaranth Petal]
*[1 Chalk]
*[1 Water]
*[1 Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Grey Eye] = 3 Dyes.

Bow Chants
[4 Bow Chant: Whisper-Draw]
6 Points
Description: Bow skills generate less threat. Level 25, Hunter.
*[1 Fragments of Dunedain Script]
*[1 Relics of Lothlorien]
*[1 Quill and Ink Set]
*Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Scarred Worm Eye] = 7 Scrolls.

[4 Bow Chant: Wind-Rider] 6 Points
Description: Bow skills cost 10% Less power. Level 25, Hunter.
*[1 Fragments of Dunedain Script]
*[1 Relics of Lothlorien]
*[1 Quill and Ink Set]
*Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Scarred Worm Eye] = 7 Scrolls.

[Painting: Above Weathertop] 6 Points
Description: An exquisite painting of Weathertop.
[1 Onion Skin]
*[1 Indigo Plant]
*[1 Chalk]
*[1 Water]

[Painting: Shore Glimpse] 6 Points
Description: An exquisite painting of the Shore.
[1 Juicy Blackberries]
*[1 Woad Plant]
*[1 Chalk]
*[1 Water]

Reputation Items
[Scholar's Writ] 4 points
Description: Crafted Reputation item for Elves of Rivendell.
*[1 Fragments of Dunedain Script]
*[1 Relics of Lothlorien]

Wall Paints
[Pink Wall Paint] 6 Points
Description: A phial of Pink paint for your home.
*[1 Juicy Strawberry]
*[1 Chalk]
*[1 Water]
*[1 Small Glass Phial]

[Pale-Yellow Wall Paint] 6 Points
Description: A phial of Pale-Yellow paint for your home.
*[1 Saffron Thread]
*[1 Chalk]
*[1 Water]
*[1 Small Glass Phial]

Master Level
Points Needed: 520 Proficiency, 1040 Mastery

[Pure Celebrant Salve] 8 Points
Description: Adds 520-540 Power. Level 45.
*[1 Undeciphered Moon-Letters]
*[1 Vial of Pure Celebrant Water]
*[1 Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Huge Spider Eye] =
[Pure Celebrant Ointment] - Description: Adds 620-660 Power. Level 45.

[Pure Essence of Athelas] 8 Points
Description: Adds 520-540 Moral. Level 45.
*[1 Undeciphered Moon-Letters]
*[1 Bundle of Pure Athelas Leaves]
*[1 Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Huge Spider Eye] =
[Pure Athelas Extract] - Description: Adds 620-660 Moral. Level 45.

[4 Refined Light-Oil] 8 Points
Description: Changes arrow damage from Common to Light, for a moderate period of time. Hunter Only. Level 30. 5 min cooldown.
*[1 Long-Lost Second Age Texts]
*[1 Undeciphered Moon-Letters]
*[1 Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Huge Spider Eye] = [7 Refined Light-Oil]

Crafting Lore
[Scroll of Ancient Metalworking Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 20% to critical chance add modifier. Level 40.
*[2 Long-Lost Second Age Texts]
*[1 Undeciphered Moon-Letters]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Huge Worm Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Ancient Tailoring Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 20% to critical chance add modifier. Level 40.
*[2 Long-Lost Second Age Texts]
*[1 Undeciphered Moon-Letters]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Huge Worm Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Ancient Weaponsmithing Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 20% to critical chance add modifier. Level 40.
*[2 Long-Lost Second Age Texts]
*[1 Undeciphered Moon-Letters]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Huge Worm Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Ancient Woodworking Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 20% to critical chance add modifier. Level 40.
*[2 Long-Lost Second Age Texts]
*[1 Undeciphered Moon-Letters]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Huge Worm Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Ancient Jeweler Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 20% to critical chance add modifier. Level 40.
*[2 Long-Lost Second Age Texts]
*[1 Undeciphered Moon-Letters]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Huge Worm Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Ancient Cooking Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 20% to critical chance add modifier. Level 40.
*[2 Long-Lost Second Age Texts]
*[1 Undeciphered Moon-Letters]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Huge Worm Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Scroll of Ancient Scholar Lore] 6 Points
Description: Adds 20% to critical chance add modifier. Level 40.
*[2 Long-Lost Second Age Texts]
*[1 Undeciphered Moon-Letters]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Huge Worm Eye] = 3 Scrolls.

[Rust Dye] 6 Points Dark Redish-Orange Dye.
Description: A phial of Rust dye for clothing or armor.
*[1 Ancient Iron Oxides]
*[1 Dye Salts]
*[1 Water]
*[1 Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Huge Worm Eye] =
[Black Dye] - Description: A phial of Black dye for clothing or armor. (Requires Grand Master Scholar)

[Red Dye] 6 Points Bright Red Dye.
Description: A phial of Red dye for clothing or armor.
*[1 Neekerbreaker Ichor]
*[1 Dye Salts]
*[1 Water]
*[1 Glass Phial]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Huge Worm Eye] = 3 Dyes.

Bow Chants
[4 Bow Chant: Breach-Finder]
6 Points
Description: -5% Ranged Skill Damage Mitigation Modifier. Level 25, Hunter.
*[1 Long-Lost Second Age Texts]
*[1 Undeciphered Moon-Letters]
Optional Mastery Item (+44%) Critical Success: [1 Huge Worm Eye] = 7 Scrolls.

Reputation Items
[Of Mysteries of the Most Profound] 4 points
Description: Crafted Reputation item for Elves of Rivendell.
*[1 Long-Lost Second Age Texts]
*[1 Undeciphered Moon-Letters]
*[1 Torn Scholar's Journal]

[Study of the Unknown] 4 points
Description: Crafted Reputation item for Elves of Rivendell.
*[1 Long-Lost Second Age Texts]
*[1 Undeciphered Moon-Letters]

Wall Paints
[Lavender Wall Paint] 6 Points
Description: A phial of Lavender paint for your home.
*[1 Juicy Elderberry]
*[1 Chalk]
*[1 Water]
*[1 Small Glass Phial]

Scholar Node Locations
These are a few example places. There are many, many more for each tier.
(Info Contributed by various members, on this post)

Tier 1 Scholar Nodes (Shattered Pitchers)
  • Bree-Land East of Asdo's Camp (Bree-land)
  • Goblin Hole Ruins in Midgewater (Bree-land)
  • Ruins just east of Combe (Bree-land)
  • Ost Baranor (Bree-land)
  • Old Odo's Leaf Farm (South Central Shire)
  • Elven Ruins in Ered Luin (eg: Dol Ringwest, and the Tham something)
Tier 2 Scholar Nodes (Broken Urn)
  • Forest north of Buckland (Bree-land)
  • Ruins in Barrow Downs (Bree-land)
  • Ruins east of Far Chetwood (Bree-land)
  • Ost Barandor (Bree-land)
  • South Guard Ruins, SE of Bree (Bree-land)
  • Wight Keep, South Barrows (Bree-land)
  • Half-Orc ruins in Andrath (Bree-land)
  • Kheledul (Ered Luin)
Tier 3 Scholar Nodes (Antique Vase)
  • Dwarf Ruins by Dori in - North Downs
  • Swamp in southern-central - North Downs
  • Naerost - Lone Lands
  • Mithrenost - Lone Lands
  • Ost Cyrn - Lone Lands
  • Nindor - Lone Lands
  • Ost Galumar - North Downs
  • Dol Nendir - North Downs
  • Merenost - North Downs
Tier 4 Scholar Nodes (Forgotten Text)
  • Wight ruins north of Thorenhad - Trollshaws
  • Dun Covad - Angmar
  • Cave claw ruins in western Trollshaws
  • Hillman Encampment with the lvl45 signature Sorcerer (Book 6 Boss)
  • The salamander island in Evendim (that area near the cellar door)
  • The South Trollshaws (Area where the missing rider is found in Book 4 chapter 2)
  • North Trollshaws (In the ruins within the Wovenvales)
Tier 5 Scholar Nodes (Ancient Vase)
  • Gabilazan - Misty Mountains
  • The Bitter Stair, Helegrod - Misty Mountains
  • East Angmar
  • Haudh Iarchith, South of the Great Barrows in Bree Land
Dropped Recipe List
(Info Contributed by various members, on this post)

  • Sienna Dye: L10-20 mobs
  • Gold Dye: L10-20 mobs
  • Olive Dye: L20-30 mobs
  • Umber Dye: L20-30 mobs
  • Violet Dye: L30-45 mobs
  • Navy Dye: L30-45 mobs
  • Indigo Dye: Chests in Misty Mountains (Very Rare)
  • Green Dye: Chests in Misty Mountains, E. Angmar humanoids. (Very Rare)
  • Red Dye: Chests in Misty Mountains, E. Angmar. (Extremely Rare!)
  • Rust Dye: Chests in Misty Mountains, E. Angmar. (Extremely Rare!)
  • Fire Oil: L20-30 humanoids.
  • Light Oil: L20-30 humanoids.
  • Refined Fire Oil: L40+ humanoids. Try 'Donnvail'. (Rare)
  • Refined Light Oil: L40+ humanoids. Try 'The Bitter Stairs'. (Rare)
  • Minor Book of Nature: L20-30 humanoids.
  • Minor Book of Beasts: L20-30 humanoids.
  • Minor Book of Dunedain: L20-30 humanoids.
  • Book of Nature: L30-40 humanoids.
  • Book of Beasts: L30-40 humanoids.
  • Book of Dunedain: L30-40 humanoids.
  • Major Book of Nature: L40+ humanoids. Try 'Gabilazan'.
  • Major Book of Beasts: L40+ humanoids. Try 'Gabilazan'.
  • Major Book of Dunedain: L40+ humanoids. Try 'Gabilazan'.
Dye Colors

[Gold Dye]
- Bright Yellow Dye.
[Sienna Dye] - Adobe Orange Dye.
[Indigo Dye] - Dark Purple Dye.
[Navy Dye] - Bright Blue Dye.
[Dark Green Dye] - Bright Green Dye.
[Umber Dye] - Leather Brown Dye.
[Red Dye] - Bright Red Dye.
[Violet Dye] - Bright, Pinkish-Purple Dye.
[Rust Dye] - Dark Redish-Orange Dye.
[Olive Dye] - Olive, Army Green Dye.
[Black Dye] - Black. Need I say more?
Quest Items
Here are general locations for the Items.

*4 Lost Lore Books - Lone Lands, SE Swamps. Just off the Road.
  • [Book of Man]: 34.4S 26.2W - On the ridge line just above the Swamp floor.
  • [Book of Dwarves]: 35.7S 26.3W - Right next to the Cart.
  • [Book of Hobbits]: 35.3S 27.2W - On a little Island.
  • [Book of Elves]: 35.7S 26.5W - Across from Dwarf Book.
*[Lost Stanzaz of Aiglos]: 7.7S 49.7W - North Downs, north of Annundir, a Satchel, on a large hill, surrounded by wolves.
*[Ruined Dwarf Carving] - 4.8N, 36.8W - Angmar, Cairn of Honour, a rock.
*[Torn Scholar's Journal] - Dropped by Dourhand Blasters, Excavators, and Gem-Seekers - Sarnur Great Hall, Orodost in Ered Luin. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tools of the Trade
Crafted by Metalsmiths:
[Bronze Scholar's Glass]
Adds 1% to critical chance add modifier. Level 1.
*[4 Bronze Ingots]
*[1 Rough Glass Lens]

[Superior Bronze Scholar's Glass] Mastery Version
Description: Adds 2% to critical chance add modifier. Level 1.
*[4 Bronze Ingots]
*[1 Rough Glass Lens]
*[1 Dirty Shrew Claw]

[Iron Scholar's Glass]
Description: Adds 4% to critical chance add modifier. Level 13.
*[4 Low-grade Steel Ingots]
*[1 Fine Glass Lens]

[Superior Iron Scholar's Glass] Mastery Version
Description: Adds 5% to critical chance add modifier. Level 13.
*[4 Low-grade Steel Ingots]
*[1 Fine Glass Lens]

[Blackened Hourn Root]

[Steel Scholar's Glass]
Description: Adds 6% to critical chance add modifier. Level 25.
*[5 High-grade Steel Ingots]
*[1 Polished Glass Lens]

[Superior Steel Scholar's Glass] Mastery Version
Description: Adds 8% to critical chance add modifier. Level 25.
*[5 High-grade Steel Ingots]
*[1 Polished Glass Lens]
[Large Warg Tail]

[Dwarf-Steel Scholar's Glass]
Description: Adds 10% to critical chance add modifier. Level 35.
*[5 Dwarf-steel Ingots]
*[1 Superb Glass Lens]

[Superior Dwarf-Steel Scholar's Glass] Mastery Version
Description: Adds 12% to critical chance add modifier. Level 35.
*[5 Dwarf-steel Ingots]
*[1 Superb Glass Lens]
*[Grey Wolf Ear]

[Ancient Iron Scholar's Glass]
Description: Adds 14% to critical chance add modifier. Level 45.
*[4 Elven-steel Ingots]
*[2 Ancient Iron Ingots]
*[1 Pristine Glass Lens]

[Superior Ancient Iron Scholar's Glass] Mastery Version
Description: Adds 16% to critical chance add modifier. Level 45.
*[4 Elven-steel Ingots]
*[2 Ancient Iron Ingots]
*[1 Pristine Glass Lens]
*[Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw]

[Ancient Steel Scholar's Glass]
Description: Adds 18% to critical chance add modifier. Level 45

*[2 Elven-steel Ingots]
*[4 Ancient Steel Ingots]
*[1 Pristine Glass Lens]

[Superior Ancient Steel Scholar's Glass] Mastery Version
Description: Adds 20% to critical chance add modifier. Level 45.
*[2 Elven-steel Ingots]
*[4 Ancient Steel Ingots]
*[1 Pristine Glass Lens]
*[1 Beryl Shard

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Post by Darkkhero